
Funny satire stories about Plastic

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Funny story: The United States Government Is Warning Its Citizens Not To Refill Plastic Water Bottles

The United States Government Is Warning Its Citizens Not To Refill Plastic Water Bottles

CHICAGO - (Satire News) - The World Health Federation (WHF) has issued a warning to the citizens of the United States regarding drinking water bottles that were manufactured in a plant in Kalamazoo, Michigan. An article which appeared in The Detro…

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Funny story: California To Ban Everything Made Of Plastic

California To Ban Everything Made Of Plastic

The State of California is planning on banning all plastic products. Yes, soon, in California, there will be no plastic allowed: no more soda bottles, water bottles, baby bottles, shampoo bottles, pill bottles, plastic silverware, food containers, su…

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Funny story: The City Where Coronavirus Cannot Penetrate

The City Where Coronavirus Cannot Penetrate

The Coronavirus has spread far and wide since it first sprang up out of a market in the Chinese city of Wuhan in January, and there isn't a country on the planet that has escaped its ravages, but one place, at least, has remained unaffected - Legola...

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Funny story: The Last Straw: Environmentalists ban Plastic Ones

The Last Straw: Environmentalists ban Plastic Ones

Berkeley, CA. Those far-left, socialist-environmentalists at the University of California can't stop banning popular, useful things. Fresh from their success in banning the deliberately misnamed "single use" plastic bag, most of which were used multi...

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Funny story: Plastic Free Markets

Plastic Free Markets

A food market in Amsterdam announced a special aisle in its store that will contain exactly zero plastic packaging. The global epidemic of plastic pollution of our oceans and lands has spurred an effort to reduce our use of unnecessary plastic wrappi...

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Funny story: Why the UK has opted for plastic cash

Why the UK has opted for plastic cash

Teresa May has revealed why she asked Mark Carney, the current governor of the Bank of England, to make all future British Currency out of plastic. "We feel," said May, "that these new notes showcase the British Currency perfectly." The initial...

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Funny story: Paper Plane's Protracted Problems Persist

Paper Plane's Protracted Problems Persist

The new Boing Night-Terrors airliner continues to be plagued by major technical faults. One was diverted to Denver International for an emergency landing yesterday. A fire in the tail section was the cause this time. Terrified passengers escaped from...

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Funny story: Did two computer nerds invent Britney Spears in a science experiment?

Did two computer nerds invent Britney Spears in a science experiment?

Britney Spears, Lady Gaga, LeAnn Rimes and many other leading pop artists are all the creation of two computer support technicians from Pittsburg, it was claimed today. In an exclusive interview in Melody Maker, Dwayne Poindexter and Dwight P. La...

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Funny story: Scientists develop bioplastic

Scientists develop bioplastic

Scientists in Point Lees University, Keele, have developed a new plastic that is biodegradable, made from renewable sources and versatile. "This is the ultimate plastic," said Teresa Plant, lead materials science officer at Point Lees's chemistry...

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Funny story: TSA to outlaw silverware in boon to plastics industry

TSA to outlaw silverware in boon to plastics industry

Nevada - (Ruders) Janet Reno announced today that metal utensils would be outlawed and that plastic would be mandated for all kitchen and table ware. No glass, steel, silver, or other valuable commodities would be allowed in restaurants and homes.

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Funny story: Heidi Montag Angrily Denies Joan Rivers Claim That She's A Closet Lesbian

Heidi Montag Angrily Denies Joan Rivers Claim That She's A Closet Lesbian

TUBA CITY, Arizona - Heidi Montag was visiting the world famous Grand Canyon in Arizona before President Obama sells it to a group of rich North Korean investors. She was dressed in a brand new Daisy Duke outfit that she said she had been given by...

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