Daniel Craig, the new James Bond actor who is loved and worshiped by all movie fans under the age of 16, was recently voted the worst James Bond by the vast majority of people in the English speaking world over the age of 25 (to include those under t...
ABBA, the 1970s Swedish supergroup, have reformed, and are to go back on the road again with a brand new world tour accompanied by former James Bond star Pierce Brosnan.
Smug b*stard Pierce Brosnan is being investigated for alegedly assaulting a photographer. LA County Sheriff Randy Allnite had this to say: "We are investigating a complaint made against smug b*stard Pierce B...
Antigua -- Facial hair is a natural phenomenon for men. It's a part of the body that can become an art form in itself. "Unless, of course, it's grey" said Pierce Brosnan, the latest spokesperson for Just For Men hair colori...
The St. Helens born comic, Johnny Vegas, best known for his T.V. appearances including the ITV Digital adverts where he starred alongside the much more popular monkey, was today announced as the replacement for Pierce Brosnan in the next Bond feature...
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