Chaco, Paraguay - Ownership deeds to almost 100,000 gas-rich acres purchased by George W Bush as part of a retirement nest egg have been scrambled by Paraguay Justice Ministry officials after a lengthy land grab fraud probe. The former US Presiden...
Sports reporting can be difficult. Today Japan played Paraguay in the round of 16, and following a mind-numbingly dull encounter, Paraguay progressed into the last 8 following the first penalty shoot-out of the tournament. In a match utterly devoi...
The stakes in a stand off between Paraguayan kidnappers who snatched a local rancher have been upped this morning. The kidnappers are demanding over £3 million for the farmers release and have already called for thirty of his cattle to be given to...
Washington, D.C. - Embattled former Bush advisor Karl Rove held an impromptu teleconference this morning form his new office somewhere in northern Paraguay. Sweating profusely, Mr. Rove appeared to be delivering his announcement from inside a small m...
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