
Funny satire stories about Oksana Grigorieva

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Funny story: The Terms of The Mel Gibson - Oksana Grigorieva Settlement

The Terms of The Mel Gibson - Oksana Grigorieva Settlement

LOS ANGELES - After a year and a half of back and forth bickering a settlement has finally been reached in regards to custody and financial claims and counterclaims between Mel Gibson, 55, and his ex-future wife the stunningly sexy Oksana Grigorieva,...

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Funny story: Britney Spears Denies Those Sexually Provocative Rumors About Her And Mel Gibson And She Reveals The Reason For Her Recent Weight Gain

Britney Spears Denies Those Sexually Provocative Rumors About Her And Mel Gibson And She Reveals The Reason For Her Recent Weight Gain

HOLLYWOOD HILLS - Britney Spears, who passed up an opportunity to appear in the Twilight movie series due to a bad case of tonsillitis, recently dismissed the sexually provocative rumors regarding her and her BFF Mel Gibson. Spears said that her a...

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Funny story: Mel Gibson Says He And Ex-Fiancee Oksana Grigorieva May Be Getting Back Together

Mel Gibson Says He And Ex-Fiancee Oksana Grigorieva May Be Getting Back Together

LOS ANGELES - Mel Gibson has confided to his hair stylist FuFi Fondue that he is seriously thinking about getting back together with his ex-fiancee Oksana Grigorieva. Gibson, 55, stated that he really misses Oksana's beautiful piano playing, her c...

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Funny story: Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster To Star In "The Beaver" - Foster Stresses That She Is Not Playing "The Beaver"

Mel Gibson and Jodie Foster To Star In "The Beaver" - Foster Stresses That She Is Not Playing "The Beaver"

HOLLYWOOD - Mel Gibson, who says that he is thrilled beyond belief that everyone has moved on and forgotten about his ridiculous, crazy man, rants and raves regarding his ex-future wife Oksana Grigorieva, says his new movie The Beaver will be a box-o...

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Funny story: Justin Bieber Donates $20,000 To Mel Gibson's Ex-Future Wife Oksana Grigorieva

Justin Bieber Donates $20,000 To Mel Gibson's Ex-Future Wife Oksana Grigorieva

LOS ANGELES - Justin Bieber was in Tinsel Town visiting the extremely attractive president of the Justin Bieber California Fan Club Brendy Lolly Kissipush, 31. Bieber wanted to personally thank Mrs. Kissipush for helping to make his fan club the b...

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Funny story: Oksana Grigorieva Says She Is Traumatized As Airport Pat Down Reminds Her Of Her Former Relationship With Ex-Future Husband Mel Gibson

Oksana Grigorieva Says She Is Traumatized As Airport Pat Down Reminds Her Of Her Former Relationship With Ex-Future Husband Mel Gibson

DENVER - Mel Gibson's ex-future wife Oksana Grigorieva says that she has been severely traumatized due to the pat down which she received at Denver's John And Bob Denver International Airport. She remarked that the entire sordid incident has remin...

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Funny story: Hulk Hogan Never Participated In A Menage-A-Trois With Heidi Montag and Oksana Grigorieva

Hulk Hogan Never Participated In A Menage-A-Trois With Heidi Montag and Oksana Grigorieva

MISSOULA, Montana - Hulk Hogan was in Missoula where he had been named the Grand Marshal of The 97th Annual Missoula Buffalo Branding and Denutting Festival and Parade. Hogan, AKA Terry Bollea, who was dressed in a yellow and red tuxedo, stood out...

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Funny story: Mel Gibson Picked a Bad Week to Quit Smoking

Mel Gibson Picked a Bad Week to Quit Smoking

Ordered to pay $60,000 in back child support and with other settlement charges pending, Mel Gibson is reportedly back on an in-home rampage as a means to redirect his anger and frustration over recent events with former gal-pal, Oksana. According...

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Funny story: Heidi Montag and Oksana Grigorieva To Pose Nude In a Girl-On-Girl Photo Layout In PlayGuy

Heidi Montag and Oksana Grigorieva To Pose Nude In a Girl-On-Girl Photo Layout In PlayGuy

CHICAGO - Mel Gibson's ex-former girlfriend and ex-future wife Oksana Grigorieva says that she is not going to wait around for Mel from hell to cough up money which is owed to her and their baby. The Russian born pianist has consulted with the edi…

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Funny story: Mel Gibson's Meltdown Timer Ticks Away

Mel Gibson's Meltdown Timer Ticks Away

Reportedly furious after losing his role to Liam Neeson in the sequel to "Hangover", and learning of ex-girlfriend Oksana's offer to appear in Playboyz Magazine, Mel Gibson's personality time bomb is about to explode. Neighbors of Gibson as far as...

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Funny story: Mel Gibson Writes Toilet Paper Check to Grigorieva for Child Support

Mel Gibson Writes Toilet Paper Check to Grigorieva for Child Support

Mel Gibson, recently ordered to start paying the mother of his child an additional $15,000 a month in child support, decided to take the opportunity to show Grigorieva just how much he disliked the idea and penned a check on his personal checking acc...

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Funny story: Mel Gibson Ordered To Attend Anger Management Classes And On The First Day He Threatens To Attack The Instructor

Mel Gibson Ordered To Attend Anger Management Classes And On The First Day He Threatens To Attack The Instructor

OXNARD, California - The state of California has mandated that part of Mel Gibson's journey back to sensibility is a ten-step anger management program conducted at Oxnard's Pacific Coast A&M University. State spokesperson Courtland B. Bickavec...

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Funny story: Taylor Lautner and Mel Gibson's Ex-Future Wife Oksana Grigorieva Seen Flirting At A Russian Restaurant in Rancho Cucamonga

Taylor Lautner and Mel Gibson's Ex-Future Wife Oksana Grigorieva Seen Flirting At A Russian Restaurant in Rancho Cucamonga

RANCHO CUCAMONGA, California - Taylor Lautner, aka Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga series, was seen dining with Mel Gibson's ex-future wife Oksana Grigorieva, at one of the fanciest Russian Restaurants in Rancho Cucamonga. The happy couple was fl...

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Funny story: Mel "From Hell" Gibson Is At It Again - Calls Britney Spears A Fake Blonde, Has-Been, Lip Syncher

Mel "From Hell" Gibson Is At It Again - Calls Britney Spears A Fake Blonde, Has-Been, Lip Syncher

MALIBU BEACH - It appears that the Aussie bad boy aka Mel from Hell just keeps sticking his foot in his 'down under mouth.' The Australian whose 'out of control' viciously vulgar rants and scatologically smutty raves directed at his ex-future wife...

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Funny story: Jesse James and Mel Gibson Both Agree That They Would Like To Pop Prince Poppycock

Jesse James and Mel Gibson Both Agree That They Would Like To Pop Prince Poppycock

WEST HOLLYWOOD - Noted he-men Jesse "Dick With Feet" James and Mel "From Hell" Gibson were both asked what they thought about America's Got Talent opera singing transvestite Prince Poppycock. James said that he/she sure is pretty and one of the mo...

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Funny story: Robert Pattinson Says He Has The "Hots" For Mel Gibson's Ex-Future Wife Oksana Grigorieva

Robert Pattinson Says He Has The "Hots" For Mel Gibson's Ex-Future Wife Oksana Grigorieva

BOSTON - Robert Pattinson was on a promotion tour for his latest movie The Twilight Saga: Eclipse when he was asked about the rumor circulating about his having a big time crush on Oksana Grigorieva, the object of Mel Gibson's 120-plus decibel tirade...

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Funny story: Oksana Grigorieva Reveals A Dark Hidden Secret

Oksana Grigorieva Reveals A Dark Hidden Secret

LA BREA, California - Oksana Grigorieva, the ex-future wife of Mel "The Screamin' Aussie" Gibson told Barbara Walters that she has a dark hidden secret. Walters, sat in in Oksana's little, two-bedroom house trailer in La Brea's The Left Coast Suns...

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