
Funny satire stories about Office related

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Funny story: Office Joker not that funny

Office Joker not that funny

Although he has said he is the office joker, Wayne Hemmingway is not that funny and never has been. The real office joker is Brent David, who as well as being charming and debonair, has a great sense of humour that attracts the ladies. Speaking…

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Funny story: A Woman Is Fired For Refusing To Leave Her Pet Canary At Home

A Woman Is Fired For Refusing To Leave Her Pet Canary At Home

ATLANTA, Georgia - (Satire News) - The Paul Bunyon Insurance Company has said that they had to fire one of their best employees. Company director of Human Resources, Ricky Saddleweather, stated that Miss Brunicia Spendington, 36, had been warned a…

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Funny story: Woman who always bring cake into the office now defined as the office sociopath

Woman who always bring cake into the office now defined as the office sociopath

Janet, who lost her favourite red mug a while ago is now seen as the office sociopath because she often brings in a homemade cake for the team. The 51-year-old receptionist brings in her favourite walnut and coffee cake on the last Friday of the m…

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Funny story: A Reality Company In San Francisco Encourages It's Employees To Take Cat Naps During Working Hours

A Reality Company In San Francisco Encourages It's Employees To Take Cat Naps During Working Hours

SAN FRANCISCO - (Satire News) - Frisco's The Have We Got a Deal For You Reality Co. has just come up with a fantastic working idea. The company which is owned by the largest fortune cookie corporation in San Francisco, has hit upon the idea of all…

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Funny story: Office Manager who has been doing the absolute bare minimum still in a job

Office Manager who has been doing the absolute bare minimum still in a job

Although she has been in her position for just over a month, the UK's office manager Liz Truss has been doing the absolute minimum. In a thirty-four-minute speech (3 minutes of waiting for the applause to die down, and fifteen minutes of awkward s…

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Funny story: Company with high turn over of staff says that it respects it employees on its website

Company with high turn over of staff says that it respects it employees on its website

That company in the high street, you know the one that has a new receptionist every fortnight, and which is always changing the names on the door has written on a job's website that it respects its employees. The receptionist before the one before…

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Funny story: Man Loses his Favourite Pen

Man Loses his Favourite Pen

Gary Johnson has lost his favourite pen. He wants everyone on his blog to know he has lost his favourite pen. Have you seen Gary’s favourite pen? Tell us about it, Gary. ‘I have lost my favourite pen. I know, it is tragic. I just can’t write witho…

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Funny story: School Bully now middle manager at accountancy firm

School Bully now middle manager at accountancy firm

Your school bully, Nigel Fairweather Brown is now a middle manager at an accountancy firm. The former scourge of the primary school playground, with his henchmen Snotty Bob and some other bloke who would have no friends if he didn't laugh at what…

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Funny story: First Meeting of 2022 lasts three hours

First Meeting of 2022 lasts three hours

A meeting in a small firm lasted three hours, the longest meeting of the year, but also the shortest one in its history, due to the lack of Sue from Accounts. Bunty McClintock, who works in reception said ‘It was the first meeting of 2022, and sur…

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Funny story: Janet's special mug is still missing

Janet's special mug is still missing

Janet's special mug is still missing. It is red, with a big bottom. Janet makes cakes on a Friday. You know Janet. Everyone knows Janet. Anyway, if you see her special mug, can you let us know, as she just won't stop banging on and on and on about…

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Funny story: Have you seen Janet's special mug?

Have you seen Janet's special mug?

Have you seen Janet's special mug? Which one? The red one, with a wonky handle, and a big bottom. Which department is she in? You mean Janet, I thought you were talking about the mug...Janet in accounts, you know Janet, everyone knows Jan…

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Funny story: Boss Pleads Allergic Reaction

Boss Pleads Allergic Reaction

Pleading against a charge of wrongful dismissal, national distribution centre boss, Niall Nash claimed he suffered an unavoidable allergic reaction to the plaintiff, Mr ‘Stumpy’ Foot. “After the accident he wouldn’t even look at me,” complained Mr F…

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Funny story: Your old boss is still a bit of a **@@*

Your old boss is still a bit of a **@@*

Although you haven't thought about him for fifteen years, news has reached you that your old boss is still a bit of a **@@*. For the comedy value, you still follow him on Twitter and on Facebook (he is as unpopular on both of them as he is in real…

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Funny story: Mould threatening to take over office

Mould threatening to take over office

Quentin Smith, a four-month-old mould, who has been growing inside a coffee mug since lockdown began, has said that, if he continues to grow and develop, gaining hands, a brain and some way of communicating, he will be running the office before Chris…

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Funny story: Senior Technical Writer And Corporate Manager At Healthcare Company Makes Official Apology For Self-Destructive Weekend Behavior

Senior Technical Writer And Corporate Manager At Healthcare Company Makes Official Apology For Self-Destructive Weekend Behavior

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Fully expecting a rational and highly-collaborative online discussion on how to select a proper medium through which to facilitate and transfer comprehension of extraordinarily complex updates in healthcare technology to hospit...

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Funny story: Co-Workers Enjoy Hearty Chuckle at Boss's Expense

Co-Workers Enjoy Hearty Chuckle at Boss's Expense

Co-workers Martha Shea and Chris Belmont shared a hearty chuckle after their boss, Rebecca Fraser, walked into their office with toilet paper dragging from the heel of her fashionable black pump. "She's super stylish, kind of a fashionista, which...

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Funny story: BoJo and Donnie do the obliteration two-step on the deck of the Grace 1 tanker

BoJo and Donnie do the obliteration two-step on the deck of the Grace 1 tanker

In response to Iran's seizure of Britain’s Stena Impero tanker, 19 July, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Trump have taken joint action. Both have been dropped via helicopter onto the deck of Iran’s tanker Grace 1, seized by the British on July 4. This “joi...

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