LANTANA, Florida – (Satire News) - The "Tabloid Tyrant" who, for many years, defended his BFF Donald J. Trump, has been shown the front door at the headquarters of the nation’s number one supermarket tabloid, the National Enquirer. CEO David Pecke…
HOLLYWOOD – (Satire News) - Reports filtering out of LaLaLand, are that Katy Perry has turned down an offer of $1.7 million to do a layout for Playboy that was to be titled “Katy Perry – In Her Birthday Suit and Ready To Pop Out That Baby”. Katy t…
NEW YORK CITY – (Satire News) - The founder of the biggest anti-Trump organization in the country has just informed the National Enquirer that he has found a picture of Trump’s high school girlfriend. George Conway learned through a private invest…
LANTANA, Florida – The Chief Executive Editor of the infamous supermarket tabloid, the National Enquirer is pleading with his BFF, the president, to provide him with a government bailout. David Pecker, 68, is asking the commander-in-chief for $38...
Although it was thought that the National Enquirer would become the advertising insert of the venerable Washington Post, it turns out it is actually to become more of a print version of Bezos has long envied the Enquirer's place on th...
The Mueller Investigation recently gave immunity to Trump's "friend" David Pecker regarding testifying about the President's expenses. When Trump needed Pecker to kill a story, Pecker would rise to the occasion. He would buy negative stories abou...
Donald Trump's Pecker just fell off his wagon. David Pecker, friend and publisher of that bastion of truth, The National Enquirer, just went limp and took immunity. Trump is said to have massaged his relationship with Pecker over the years to help...
For the Evangelicals Still Standing by Their Man A mighty fortress is our Trump, a bulwark ever flailing; our Savior he amid the flood, his moral ills prevailing. For still Trump’s dauntless foes do seek to work Him woe; their craft and power are great, and armed with cruel facts, on earth are not their equals. Did we in our own strength take pride, our striving would be b...
The big news around the Pulitzer Prize people is that they are getting lots of recommendations saying that the Newstand Tabloid once laughed about, deserves the Pulitzer Prize. One judge who asked that his name not be given out, says that they are...
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