While it remains unclear as to whether NBC will allow Brian Williams to reclaim his anchor chair on its prime-time NBC News with Brian Williams program (now called NBC News without Brian Williams), the disgraced reporter has reportedly begun to craft...
Trying to stay hip and relevant, NBC released late last night via Twitter and Instapoop, (their latest news flushing service,) that they have reached an all binding deal with Brian Williams, in what seems to be a winner-take-all bid to retain the new...
Bri Willyums, late of NBC, Proud as a Peacock, is known to play fast and loose, from time to time (and maybe all the time) with the truth, so his statements, especially about himself, have to be taken with a grain (or a ton) of salt. Having remind...
New York -- Suspended NBC news anchor Brian Williams is in trouble with the American Bar Association. The lawyers group has filed suit in Federal District Court here, charging that Williams is "cutting into our territory by lying, fibbing, and genera...
In the wake of Bri Willyums' spurious reports of the helicopter in which he was traveling having been shot down by Iraqi soldiers during his reporting of the war in 2003 and his lying about--that is, his "mistaken accounts" of--seeing...
New York-'NBC Nightly News' viewers watched in fascinated horror Wednesday night as handsome, blue-eyed anchorman Brian Williams, 55, literally turned himself into an ass before their very eyes, live on TV and all within five minutes! By the end...
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