
Funny satire stories about Martha's Vineyard

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Funny story: Navy Seal Team Rescues Alan Dershowitz from Martha’s Vineyard

Navy Seal Team Rescues Alan Dershowitz from Martha’s Vineyard

Hyannis Port, Mass. - As billions watched in the United States and around the world, a complex operation involving dozens of U.S. Navy Seal divers and support personnel have succeeded in removing famous legal analyst, news commentator and Trump suppo...

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Funny story: Barack Obama spreading Ebola at Martha's Vineyard golf club

Barack Obama spreading Ebola at Martha's Vineyard golf club

Martha's Vineyard, Mass - Was it something he picked up at the White House official dinner for African heads of state last week? A sliver of some raw flesh delicacy from Ebola-torn Liberia perhaps? "We caught him chewing on infected bush meat,"...

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Funny story: Obama to chill at Chilmark House

Obama to chill at Chilmark House

Massachusetts - The First Family will be vacationing from next weekend at a Chicago banker's $7.6 million holiday home in Chilmark, Martha's Vineyard, made famous in the 19th century by its unusually high percentage of deaf citizens. The town rece...

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Funny story: Shared Sacrifice Begorrah: Martha's Vineyard Prepares to Welcome 'Black Irish' First Family with Huge Reunion Fund Raiser!

Shared Sacrifice Begorrah: Martha's Vineyard Prepares to Welcome 'Black Irish' First Family with Huge Reunion Fund Raiser!

President Barry O'Bama is said to be excited over Boston Irish plans to host a 'big homecoming' for their prodigal son as he returns to Martha's Vineyard for the third consecutive August 'family' vacation. The homecoming will even out do O'Bama's...

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Funny story: President Off To Martha's Vineyard To Swim In Shitty Water

President Off To Martha's Vineyard To Swim In Shitty Water

After taking a plunge into the oil soaked waters of the Gulf of Mexico with his youngest daughter two weeks ago, to show that the water is safe, President Obama made a quick trip to Martha's Vineyard today. Since the First Family is getting ready...

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Funny story: Hurricane Bill Clinton closes in on Chelsea's Martha's Vineyard wedding

Hurricane Bill Clinton closes in on Chelsea's Martha's Vineyard wedding

Martha's Vineyard - (Reuterus): Pyongyang hostage blowhard and prospective father of the bride Bill Clinton is hotfooting it to Cape Cod today. Widespread media reports claim that's where Chelsea will marry her Goldman Sachs banker fiance Marc Mez...

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