After the unsuccessful coup to turf out President Erdogan in Turkey he has decided to expand his empire by attacking and annexing the Greek Island Lesbos! Turkish troops in overfilled rowing boats waving Erdogan forever flags hit the Lesbos main b...
Our roving reporter, Joe Wiss, has been quickly deployed from Lesbos to Sharma-el-Sheik - he gets all the best locations. He reports that he thought that after the refugee crisis on Lesbos, with hundreds of distraught people of all ages, clamberin...
The Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi has put pressure on the Greek government to increase the production of olives on the island of Lesbos. Lesbos has traditionally been a major grower of olives and Italy has come to rely on them for use in...
Many ancient authors, Cicero among them, wrote about a magnificent machine possibly invented by Archimedes. Archaeologists believe that they have found this device amid the wreckage of an ancient ship off the coast of the Greek Island of Lesbos.The m...
From the titillating world of archaeological research Ancient Greece has yielded up some gems this week! Investigations into Roman Emperor Nero and his Olympic obsession in this dictatorial Olympic year revealed that the fiddler of Rome had the Greek...
Campaigners from Greece's third biggest island today won a court injunction banning the use of the word Lesbian.
The inhabitants of the island of Paedo (referred to as Paedophiles), off the coast of Austria, are livid regarding the recent publicity surrounding the Greek island of Lesbos.
A Greek court has been asked to draw the line between numerous annoying gay women on television and the natives of the Aegean Sea island of Lesbos.
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