The TrumpShit, (aka Donald Trump), is certain that he is going to prison, so he has decided to cut down on his damn lying by at least 14%. He recently told his one and only remaining friend, Greg "The Space Creature" Gutfeld that he has had the ho…
The Sports Bet Gazette has just reported that Jennifer Lopez and Kimberly Guilfoyle will be starring in a wrestling movie. The two Puerto Rican babes will be starring in the Tri Moon Film production titled, "The Lovely Puerto Rican Wrestling Babe…
Donald Trump's former 'side piece,' and his little boy, Donald Trump Jr., say that they're sick and tired, tired and sick of having to always comment that no, they do not do drugs. To be fair, Nancy Reagan found it hard to 'Just Say No', she was f…
Kimberly Guilfoyle has never been one to shy away from controversy. And so the future daughter-in-law of the Huge Orange Asshole, namely Trump, says that she wants all of her haters to know that she sincerely hopes that every last one of the talentle…
Kimberly Guilfoyle, who is known as "The Puerto Rican Firecracker," is extremely upset at the recent rumors that her soon-to-be-father-in-law grabbed her muffin. Kimmy, as the tiny-fingered Trumptwit, calls her, said that it was actually Guilfoyle…
The long-legged senorita from Puerto Rico, aka Kimberly Guilfoyle, accidentally let it slip that she has accepted the fact that Don The Con actually lost the presidential election to President Joe Biden. Guilfoyle who used to work as a warehouse p…
The World of Wacky Swimwear Weekly reports that the brand new Kimberly Guilfoyle Designer Banana Peel Swimsuit is outselling the swimwear of four of the most popular celebrities in America. The Bananarama Polling Agency reports that retail outlets…
(SPOOF NEWS) - Ivanka Trump has just issued a group of tweets from the world of politics, sports, music, and pole dancing. A LIST OF MORE TWEETS FROM IVANKA TRUMP TWEET 1. LeBrown James told me that Melania has the prettiest titties that he h…
The American Research Group reports that the much-awaited Kimberly Guilfoyle Gin (GG) is now available at your neighborhood liquor stores. The gin, which is 169 proof (84½% alcohol) was produced from a recipe that Kimberly's bootlegging grandfathe…
Bristola-Myuns Laboratory has just put out a pill that will cause women to have sensuously erotic feelings, which will pretty much guarantee them sexual intimacy. The pink pill is being manufactured under the name "Kimberly's Wonder Whine." It…
(Spoof News) - The iNews News Agency has informed the public that Donald Trump Jr's., fiancee Kimberly Guilfoyle has said that she will donate every dime that she earns from the sale of her designer Kimberly's Kissable Cougar Panties to Donald Trump'…
In a sensational report, the Alpha Beta News Agency dives deep into the tangled web of Donald "Dopey" Trump Jr.'s love life. According to ABNA's intrepid reporter, Mimosa Sabrosa, Kimberly Guilfoyle, the long-legged girlfriend of Donnie, is riding…
LOS ANGELES - (Satire News) - LaLaLand Daily has just uncovered photos of Donald Trump Jr's, fiancee Kimberly "Lips of Love" Guilfoyle parked at the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles sitting in a 2023 Lamborghini with none other than Pistachio Goombali…
MANHATTAN, New York - (Satire News) - Donald Trump Jr., who is also known as "Dopey," recently told his younger brother Eric "Goofy" Trump that his Latina fiancée is one very mucho hot muchacha! Kimberly Guilfoyle is 53, and Don Jr., is 44, so as…
SAN FRANCISCO - (Satire News) - One of the country's most well-known political leeches is Kimberly Guilfoyle. The 53-year-old Guilfoyle was once married to the governor of California, Gavin Newsom, and after her divorce from Newsom, she dated two…
NEW YORK CITY - (Satire News) - Kimberly Guilfoyle has been described by most news agencies as being nothing more than a leech, who latches on to noted individuals (men) who are in the national limelight and woos them with her womanly ways. And th…
CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee – (Satire News) – Bedroom Pillow Talk's Carolina Chipotle, reports that Donald Trump Jr’s., girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, traveled to Tennessee to visit an ex-boyfriend, who owes her $13,805. While there she spoke at a ral…
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