Mega-hunk, Hugh Grant, was driving his Maserati 4000 down the Ocean Highway in California, when he got out to enjoy the scenery of the Pacific Ocean and take some pics. But then left his keys in the ignition and the door was locked! Hugh told T…
It's been reported that a key that was left on a table later disappeared, and could not be located, despite a thorough search. The key, which was a motorbike key, was left on the table on Thursday evening at around 5 pm by Sue-tee, 14, after she h…
There was a potential crisis in the making, yesterday morning, when one man who was in an extreme rush to get out of the house to go somewhere, was forced into a delay when he couldn't find his fucking keys. An excursion, with his wife and two chi…
LOCKSMITHS have reported booming sales since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. While many businesses have been struggling during the tight restrictions, key workers have never been so busy. Reg Dwight, owner of key-cutting and lock fitting...
Jesse Hancock of Nashville, Tennessee, delighted to discover the keys to happiness in a book at his neighborhood branch library, hastily jotted them on a scrap of paper, only to accidentally lock them in his car - along with his regular keys. "So...
For the third year in a row, a Volvo ignition key has won top honors in the "Best Key" category at the National Ear Pickers convention. Judges at this year's gathering in Nashville presented elated Volvo representatives with the coveted Golden E...
Monday Woke up late, go to unlock the door and check the (outdoor) post box. The key won't turn. Panic. Keep trying - nothing. Think about climbing out the window, or asking the neighbour who I've only met once, if I can go through their door. Eventually I get it open to much relief by not pushing the key in all the way! Wednesday Overheard Conversation Of The Week Girl to her fella "At the...
Horace Felchman, reformed Amish farmer turned general handy man was attempting to eat his breakfast at the Daisy Diner this morning only to have dropped a fork full of pancakes and pork sausage into his ample beard. Reaching in through the twisted f...
A routine, whether an addition or not, is a regular course of action. Of course, some people believe a routine requires discipline. I have my own routine addiction. After entering home, I obsessively place the house keys in a particular bowl. After dark, I routinely put a padlock on the gate of our walled house. As a precaution, I padlock the grilled basement door, and before going to bed, I...
The world of retail has been turned on its head by the shocking news that a key cutting store opened without any facilities for additionally repairing shoes. The shop, in Bournemouth High Street, has angered many in the industry for going against...
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