NEW HAVEN, CT - News of a college bribery scandal involving Hollywood celebrities and super-wealthy corporate executives has Americans stunned. Of course, there are other people who expect Ivy League Universities to give special treatment to elites a...
Well-known for years, prestigious universities in America have been allowing admissions and testing favoritism in you-pay-we-play programs. Indeed, admissions-‘r-us guardians of university integrity have often favored parents with big money. A...
Cambridge, MA-In order to select the "most qualified" undergraduate candidates from an increasingly selective applicant pool, Harvard College has added a Standardized Hoop-Jumping Test (SHJT) to its admissions criteria, and the rest of the Ivy League...
The survey, conducted by Fairleigh Dickinson University, was completed with self-identified students from both Princeton and Brown University. The results were based on whether the students had the ability to score a higher grade on the ACT now th...
(New York City) Mr. EffBuckley Jr., the erudite Ivy Leaguer and 'arch' conservative who showered huge and hate-filled words on American liberals during the decades-long Cold War that followed the post-FDR rise of the Conservative Right, died...
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