Major internet companies are announcing a new app which will pipeline US State Department interests in encouraging wars here and there across the globe. This development has been inspired by a German innovation which locates comfort females on th...
The much anticipated iPhone 5 has to be special, with the rest of the smart phone market catching up to the Apple flagship and in some cases overtaking it. "We've been examining Apple patents," said Mac Buck, editor of App World! magazine. "For a...
Denmark is introducing a Mobile Postage Service that can be used as an alternative to the traditional stamp. Instead of having to put a stamp on a letter or parcel, Danes will be able to text a message to the Post Office and they will receive a co...
The Itsibitsi Corporation today announced that the unveiling of their revolutionary new toilet-top computer will take place next Tuesday in Yokohama. The company are gambling their very existence on what they are hoping will be a 'must have' acces...
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