
Funny satire stories about Incompetence

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Funny story: Government pandemic plans left in minister's office

Government pandemic plans left in minister's office

The UK government has finally found the root cause of the coronavirus planning team's inadequate response. A junior minister accidentally left behind the detailed strategy document in his office, after the entire Department of Health was ordered to w...

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Funny story: New York Times runs interview with anonymous op-ed author wearing mask in dark underground cellar

New York Times runs interview with anonymous op-ed author wearing mask in dark underground cellar

Hard on the heels of Bob Woodward’s book Fear in the White House, the nation has once again been startled by insider views attacking the Trump administration. Echoing Woodward’s charges of incompetence, an anonymous op-ed appeared yesterday in The...

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Funny story: Sleep Deprived Attorney Incriminates Client During Pretrial Hearing

Sleep Deprived Attorney Incriminates Client During Pretrial Hearing

K.C.,MO: The 1998 cold case murder of 17 year old Martin Keif seemed to be on it's way to a resolution until a well respected defense attorney brought everything to a screeching halt. Jared O'Connell Esq. (aka Mr. Not Guilty) is one of the most f...

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Funny story: Useless signs - part one

Useless signs - part one

As I wander round this great country of ours, I have come across a many a sign that is completely pointless, useless and a waste of materials. The first one I cam across was a badly handwritten sign in an optician's window. It was written on a sheet of A5 paper, in red ball point pen and said "Free eye tests tomorrow". Who was this sign aimed at? It was, in itself, a free eye test. If you could...

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Funny story: Scissors Left Inside Patient Is 'Tip Of The Iceberg' Say's Leaked Hospital Document

Scissors Left Inside Patient Is 'Tip Of The Iceberg' Say's Leaked Hospital Document

With recent news of a womans distress after finding a pair of surgical scissors left inside her, after a tummy tuck operation, we thought it our duty to delve deeper in to this subject and find out if this was just a mishap or an increasingly common...

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Funny story: The resignation of mumbling uber-regulator Hector Pants has left the FSA reeling

The resignation of mumbling uber-regulator Hector Pants has left the FSA reeling

Finally the FSA sees the writing on the wall as, in a startling move, that for once showed incredible foresight and presence of mind, Pants mumbling Chief of the FSA has seen something that was as plain as the nose on his smug face and resigned. M...

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Funny story: Local Man In Cup Of Tea Rage Incident

Local Man In Cup Of Tea Rage Incident

Typical Englishman. Typical English Sunday morning. Coronation Street Omnibus edition on the TV. Surfing the net, checking out Google News. Then disaster struck. It came without warning, throwing Martin Shuttlecock's life into a maelstrom of sh...

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Funny story: Darling asks TV magicians to conjure up money

Darling asks TV magicians to conjure up money

A Government committee, set up to identify innovative ways of boosting Britain's faltering economy, has presented its first idea to Chancellor Alastair Darling. Mr Darling unveiled the plan yesterday. Paul Daniels and Derren Brown will be invi...

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