London - Nifty use of crafty shoulder pads conceals that 'Hunchback of Notre Dame' look that's plagued Queen Elizabeth ever since her wedding night back in '47. Apparently some nuptial gymnastics on a Buckingham Palace four poster dislocated her a...
FOXBOROUGH - Who says that Bill Belichick won't break down the specific game plan before an upcoming game? Yesterday in a press conference he announced that he was going to use the reverse Quasimodo bell defense in an attempt to "ring in" Bronco qua...
'The Hunchback Of Notre Dame' is to be re-named, causing a public outburst of anger amongst fans of the world renowned literary masterpiece. Council officials in the UK began the campaign for change in 2009, and the protest soon gathered pace, as...
Copious notes belonging to famed French author Victor Hugo have been found in a derelict atelier once owned by Pablo Picasso. Pablo who was known to steal things that took his fancy to the extent that Matisse used to hide his paintings when he heard his feet on the stairs may have inadvertently picked them up during a visit to the Louvre. In any case, they throw considerable light on the origins o...
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