This week the MP for Wuthering-on-Heights Mr Ian gropesalot was found guilty in court of groping the house of commons tea lady. Mrs Bourbon 78 of Leicester was filling her trolley for the afternoon tea when Mr Gropesalot came from behind her and…
For centuries, the British Houses of Parliament have echoed to the fevered fapping noises of pistoning palms. It is a parliamentary procedure little known to the outside world as it is usually conducted under great secrecy, yet its days are now numbe…
House of Commons speaker, John Bercow, has told MP's that bullying claims within Parliament should be investigated by an independent, external body. Led by him. Conservative MP Bercow, who has occupied the supposedly impartial position of House Sp...
There was more room in the House of Commons today. Two of its best known actors, Jacob Rees-Mogg and Diane Abbot, announced they had eloped, and would return next week. Journalists tracked them down to Mudford Sock in Somerset, where the couple ar...
May we join the overwhelming response from Tatton's constituents to congratulate George Osborne on the announcement of his new job as editor of the London Evening Standard newspaper. He's had a passion for journalism for a long time and who wants to...
Troubled London Stadium, Stratford, LONDON: With an expert in Stadium building announcing that the athletics stadium should be demolished and rebuilt properly as a football stadium, the Duchess of Knightsbridge has made an enormous gesture. "Let...
WESTMINSTER, LONDON - Current leader of the Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn, was forced to sit on the floor of the House of Commons due to a lack of seats it emerged this week. Posting a video of himself seated on the floor he said that the House was...
Theresa May in anticipation of becoming Britain's next Prime Minister sent a copy of her inaugural speech to her friend Hillary Clinton which is how we managed to get it. Here it is in full. "Mister Speaker, honourable ladies and gentlemen. There...
In line with the current ruling on anti-Semitism which applies also to Jews, especially Non-Zionist Jews who can think for themselves, UK Prime Minister David Cameron decreed yesterday to a packed House of Commons that "anti-Americanism" be also out...
A whistleblower from MI6 using the pseudonym of "Mull of Kintyre" has published on the web a document that has the government reeling. It is a memo that is written by the Home Office for use by ambassadors, politicians, spies and other functionar...
Unfortunately we at URFKD Magazine were unable to meet with the UK Prime Minister David Cameron as planned. It seems he had more important engagements. However, here is a list of questions we were hoping to ask. (1) Given the fact that you are goi...
Paddy O'Flynn had had enough it seems. He had decided to apply to his local housing authority for help with his rent having vacated his old house and moved into a rented apartment in Clapham Common, South London. That is where his troubles began. His wife Caitlin takes up the story. "They sent him a form to fill in. It was thick as the London Times. For three months he tried to figure it o...
Readers beware! The headline above is totally false, not legitimate investigation--which follows below. The record will be clear. It is not true that The Guardian's Mr. Rusbridger was later conducted into an additional, secret Home Affairs Commi...
The House of Commons has issued a short statement reacting angrily after the arrest of Eric Joyce at the Commons karaoke night, since he denied being drunk at the time of the incident. "There is no way any self-respecting public official or profes...
Earlier today a near riot broke out in the House of Commons. Pandemonium was unleashed when MP for Paddington North, Rory O'Hare, tabled a motion that sought to prevent Freemasons from standing for political office. O'Hare made the proposal on the...
David Cameron announced to the House of Commons yesterday the Tories latest plan to ensure that it always pays to work. 'Too many people on benefits see it as a free lunch,' said the Prime Minister. As of Friday, Jobseeker's Allowance will be paid in...
The House of Commons has taken a major step in reasserting it's position as Britain prime Boxing Centre. No slapping or gentle nudges, as in the latest fracas at the ringside but REAL BOXING, with blood and broken windows. It was joice all round...
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