Would anyone want a Pet Hippo? They are three tons of wet fun - but you have to live on a lake or river - or be put in a very large Hippo Pool. Colombian Drug Kingpin Pablo Escobar imported them to a Colombian river 10 years ago - when he ra…
Good evening. Having been instructed to produce a short treatise dealing with the Coronavirus scandal to which we are all currently subjected, I crave your attention while I marshal my thoughts. Let me expound, in response to this entreaty. Fav...
A hippo, trapped in a swimming pool in South Africa was actually their secret weapon for the Olympics! Unfortunately it got trapped before the Olympics begun and the South African authorities just could not remove the poor thing in time! The hippo...
TARZANA - A spokesperson for a nationwide animal rights organization has stated that his highly vocal and animated group recently met in Tarzana, California and discussed taking to the streets in protests against the movie Zookeeper which just opened...
Wednesday 101st January 1078: My bed, this isinglass tomb, with a basilisk at each of its five corners, is on fire again. It burns with the fire of hyacinths, lit last Lady Day by Muriel, the Alabaster Queen of my Pyjama-Case. Hunting in packs who slink, sinuous as creeping simians, the miniature Postmen are abroad again. It is midnight and I am awoken by their breathing, their kitten-like c...
Filthy-rich dumb blonde celebutante Paris Hilton took her new Pygmy Hippo to the shops with her yesterday, writes Sarah N Ghetty, Big Game Correspondent. It's been all work and no play of late for errant brain-free but dollar-spinning peroxide bim...
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