Looking after your children properly and administering good advice is what being a parent is all about, and that's what one caring mom was thinking yesterday when she advised her four-year-old son that eating fruit and vegetables would make him big a…
Derek Casey of Nashville, Tennessee, who transitioned to a whole-food, plant-based diet two years ago after his doctor threatened him with a lifetime of insulin medication, dialysis and limb amputations if he didn't get his type 2 diabetes under con...
Everyone's favourite cuddly and genial country singer, Daniel O'Donnell, has enraged thousands of fans in Ireland, both North and South. Apparently, the man unfortunately caricatured by malicious critics as the housewife's favourite, is actually not...
There was uproar last night when it was revealed that receipts from supermarkets are now to contain health warnings for the shopper if their choices are deemed to be unhealthy. There have been accusations that this is just the latest example of the n...
Case No. 90823903 Jonathan Obegabi (19) Unemployed computer hacker Found guilty of eating more than one McDonald's burger in a week. Fined £5000, and had his fast food eating licence suspended for two months. Case No. 90823904 Sayed Maqsood Hashemi (54) Taxi Driver Found Guilty of eating a kebab without a mask on. Fined £55, and received two point on his fast food eating licence. Ca...
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