
Funny satire stories about Gen. Michael Flynn

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Funny story: Trump To Appoint Flynn To Climate Change Panel

Trump To Appoint Flynn To Climate Change Panel

AP—By Philip Wyley. The Justice Department, following President Trump’s demand abandoned its prosecution of former national security adviser, Michael Flynn. He could well join Sheriff Joe Arpaio as a free man because of Trump’s intervention. Howev...

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Funny story: Flynn Suspected by Mueller of "Doing a Tenth of All the Bad Things Hillary Did"

Flynn Suspected by Mueller of "Doing a Tenth of All the Bad Things Hillary Did"

Washington - Former Trump Administration National Security Advisor Michael Flynn has come under suspicion by Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller's team of criminal activity totaling roughly 10 percent of the similar misdeeds Flynn had attributed to Hil...

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Funny story: WH Secretary, "Mueller's Office Extremely Rude"

WH Secretary, "Mueller's Office Extremely Rude"

White House receptionist claims that Robert Mueller's Office is very rude and unprofessional. Moments after Michael Flynn turned himself in, Mueller called Trump, who was unavailable. Michael Flynn has been cooperating with authorities and has be...

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Funny story: Trump's Fired National Security Adviser General Flynn Says He'll Sing in Exchange for Immunity

Trump's Fired National Security Adviser General Flynn Says He'll Sing in Exchange for Immunity

Washington, DC The National Security Adviser, General Michael Flynn, who resigned/got fired for offenses including talking to the Russians and for secretly telling his friends that Ivanka's fashion line was put together in sweat shops in Shanghai.

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Funny story: Prima facie evidence we're not fastening the gates of the asylum properly

Prima facie evidence we're not fastening the gates of the asylum properly

Mr. Trump has tweeted General Flynn's resignation was due to his speaking too kindly to Russia. Plus Mr. Pence was upset about it. Mr. Trump added his position toward dialogue with Russia does not indicate "softness" toward Russia. That was...

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Funny story: Gen. Flynn in critical condition after being thrown under bus

Gen. Flynn in critical condition after being thrown under bus

Tragedy struck Washington D.C. today as journalists witnessed General Michael Flynn get thrown under the bus by Sean Spicer. No one was able to stop it. Flynn was new to his position as National Security Advisor, having served only 24 days. Spicer...

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