The Creation Museum, located in Petersburg, Kentucky, is operated by the Christian apologetics ministry, to promote a Young Earth creationist explanation of the origins of the universe based on a literal interpretation of the Genesis creation narrat...
As everyone on earth now knows, beings from the planet Sophia 69, that harbors extraordinarily intelligent extra-terrestrial life, have taken over all of earth's Internet, social media, TV, and radio transmissions in recent days. As reported in...
The most famous early battle between science and religion was the trial of Galileo in 1633 for publishing Dialogue, a book that argued that the earth revolved around the sun, rather than--as the Bible states- the other way around. In our day -...
Members of the Red Pencil Faction of the P.L.O. (Pedants for Literacy Organization) clashed with riot police on the steps of the Library of Congress yesterday morning. Carrying signs that read "'Irregardless' is Not a Word!" and "'General Consensus'...
Turkey, once a bastion of east meets west, peace (apart from the Kurdish problem), the way forward for both; Islamic prosperity combined with western modernisation has now turned into a "not so delightful" place to be. Sweden riots, UK riots, OK,...
DESPICABLE, ME (Acme Quicknews) -- The beautiful scenery of a public park was destroyed after an assault between Christian Fundamentalists and Jehovah's Witnesses last March 19, 2013. The said assault started when both groups hand out flyers and p...
VATICAN CITY (Acme World News) -- The Vatican stated on its latest press release that Matthew Slick, founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry (CARM), is excommunicated due to his controversial articles on his website. "Such relig...
It seems the Mayans were wrong. The world will keep traveling around the sun, or the sun around the world if you're a Fundamentalist. But this most recent apocalypse averted got me to ruminating, as is my want, about New Year's Eve and all the weight that is arbitrarily attached to this one night's passage of time. It took me back to last New Year's Eve and a question asked me, "What's your resolu...
The lie of evolution has again been exposed by, you guessed it, evolutionists! The latest in a series of flies in various ointments is courtesy of an article summarised in 'Nature Reviews Genetics'. It would seem that the 'molecular clock' runs...
Atheist fundamentalist, evolution crackpot and amateur theologian Richard Dawkins has today shocked the known universe by backing plans to allow a single Holy Bible in every English school. However fans of the bonkers professor need not fear, he o...
HIAWASSEE, GA (ABSNN)-The annual Celtic Festival held in Hiawassee, Georgia each spring has been cancelled. The Celts are angry. So are, apparently, the congregants of Mt. Zion Bethel Missionary Fundamentalist Baptist Sons of Gods. No mention...
A controversy has erupted over a decision by the South Fulton, TN fire department to allow a rural home in Obion County to burn to the ground because the owner did not pay the requisite $75 annual fee to secure fire protection. The fire department...
The entire world breathed a sigh of relief today as the entire lot of the world's extreme Fundamentalists were packed off to an obscure island where they can follow their religious doctrines by killing each other off without involving innocent bystan...
Fouke, Arkansas - (ReUterus & Ass Mess): A police raid on fundamentalist polygamy nutter Tony Alamo's Church of the Prepuberal Hymen Rapture was met with stiff resistance this weekend. The ex-jailbird pastor accused of Warren Jeffs-type of ch...
Abu Hamza, whose real name is Mustapha Kamel Mustapha, a much funnier name than the one we know and love him for, caused uproar and consternation amongst his supporters and staff at Belmarsh jail on his first ever day of real work since he came to th...
As no one has had the common decency and anger to mention George Galloway recently, I obtained permission to post the following report which appeared in both Exchange and Mart and The 2008 Brownie Annual.
Eldorado, Texas - The Eldorado police department in West Texas has finally tracked down the source of the controversial phone call of an alleged 16-year-old sexually abused girl that lead to them raiding the fundamentalist polygamists compound.
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