Nigel Farage, key political Brexit salesman, has been called in as debate coach to Donald Trump for the upcoming town hall style presidential debate on October 9. Farage is free to take on free-lance work since resigning in early July as leader...
HOG JAW, ARKANSAS (ABSNN) -- Stan Stilldamnya, Hog Jaw, Arkansas' answer to the legendary Reg Mellior, former world record holder in Ferret Legging, issued a sharp challenge to the All-England, Scotland and Wales Ferret Leggin "pansies." "Ain't...
North Dakota ferrets are dying of the plague. Well meaning scientists have been trying to intervene to save the remaining ferrets but perhaps someone should look at this from a ferret's point of view. Thanks to new technology the spoofvet has bee...
Scientists have recently discovered a new species the Psarigi (or Land Fish). It is believed this is a prehistoric animal which has evaded the evolutionary process and is a direct descendent of most living mammals.
Aussie pop sausage Kylie Minogue has been admitted to hospital after revealing that she has developed a serious addiction to Ferrets. This news come only weeks after fellow pop icon Robbie Williams was discovered to have been dealing with a Weasel pr...
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