LOS ANGELES - Actor and comedian Seth McFarlane announced he will no longer voice the character of Peter Griffin, an overweight, white man on Fox’s Family Guy cartoon series. "At the start of the show, I reasoned with myself that it was permissibl…
The conservative news agency FOX News has been found to be riddled with subversives, anarchic souls whose unwholesome lifestyles do not conform to FOX's strict right leaning policies. Even more surprising, some of these cancerous maladies that weaken...
Actor Justin Timberpants has decided to reappear on the Family Guy in the near future and get this, he will be completely nude! Although the naughty bits will be blacked out, they will be blacked out, ONLY FROM THE FRONT! Yes, both Timberpants...
Popular cartoonlike family guy Gordon Brown was today rapped for using his disabled son and the demise of his daughter as a lively topic of conversation in an attempt to make himself more popular. Following his failed attempts at making himself mo...
In stark contrast to the racist, anti-Semitic, holocaust denying witterings that normally are to be heard spouting from the mouth of the leader of the British Nazi Party, tonight's audience of BBC's Question Time bore witness to an amazing revelation...
(DALLAS, USA) -- In a Parliamentary meeting Thursday, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith extended her ban of outspoken Americans to include Sir Peter Griffin. Griffin is the bigoted, far from politically correct, lead character in the America's animated tel...
Studio executives in America have green-lit a live action film of the hit cartoon series Family Guy. Casting has begun, with Roseanne's John Goodman cast as the blundering Peter Griffin, whilst his wife, Lois will be played by the X Files's Gillia...
Breaking news from Quahog is that Stewie, the youngest member of lovable cartoon family that is not the Simpsons, the Griffins in Family Guy, is not bad, he is simply misunderstood, and that the many times in which he has threatened violence against...
Quahog mayor Adam West announced that he would be suing "Family Guy" creator Seth MacFarlane and 20th Century Fox for copyright infringement for using his likeness and voice in the top-rated cartoon series.
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