
Funny satire stories about Factory

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Funny story: Condom Sales Are At An All-Time High

Condom Sales Are At An All-Time High

CHICAGO – The Coronavirus has really changed the way a lot of people are doing a lot of things. People are having to shelter-in-place, self-isolate, stay home, hide in the closet, and practice safe-distancing. The Condom Council of North Americ...

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Funny story: Durutti Column Enthusiast Can't Bring Himself To Part With Vinyl Album

Durutti Column Enthusiast Can't Bring Himself To Part With Vinyl Album

A rare and valuable collector's item presents the owner with a dilemma: a) sell the item, and cash in on a decent sum of money, or b) keep the item, and celebrate the ownership. That was the dilemma facing one man from Hull as he contemplate...

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Funny story: China Accused of Raising Work Drones For Factories

China Accused of Raising Work Drones For Factories

Apparently China has been giving children plenty of sweets over the years to get them to work for very low wages and not to get bored. China denies the fact that thousands of those former children are now working long hours and have been for many...

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Funny story: A Beer Brewery In Germany Was Actually A Distribution Center For Marijuana

A Beer Brewery In Germany Was Actually A Distribution Center For Marijuana

BERLIN - Police in Berlin have broken up the notorious Arizona Underground Marijuana Smuggling Operation. The highly intricate pot distribution program was the brainchild of the Tucson-based Salami Brothers, Jorge, Hernando, and Timmy. Berlin p...

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Funny story: Justin Bieber In Trouble In Brazil Again

Justin Bieber In Trouble In Brazil Again

The Whiz Kid is certainly earning his name nowadays as the country of Brazil either want him to be sent there for a trial or that his reps send a whole lot of money. An unnamed reporter says that Justin, at the rate he is going, may be another Mil...

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Funny story: Governor Brewer Angrily Shuts Down Arizona's Last Cork Producing Factory

Governor Brewer Angrily Shuts Down Arizona's Last Cork Producing Factory

YUMA, Arizona - The governor of the hot-as-hell state of Arizona has just informed the news media that she regrets having to shut down the state's only cork manufacturing factory. The governor said that the Yuma-based company named Put A Cork In I...

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Funny story: Isle of Wight News - Shanklin Garden Gnome Factory Expands

Isle of Wight News - Shanklin Garden Gnome Factory Expands

MP Andrew Turner was in Shanklin last week attending the opening of an expansion of Gepetto's, a manufacturing plant for painted concrete garden gnomes. Turner said he was pleased to attend and said that the expansion was keeping on track with his On...

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Funny story: Bradford Factory Scuppered

Bradford Factory Scuppered

A Bradford factory, which once used a convoluted method of calculating employee absence from the workplace has finally been scuppered by plucky employee Arturo Scargillo, a trades union member who decided to take them on at their own game when threat...

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Funny story: Now and Then: Man Beheaded, Thrown Against Wall in Bizarre Ink Factory Accident

Now and Then: Man Beheaded, Thrown Against Wall in Bizarre Ink Factory Accident

June 21, 2308 DalWorth, New Texas - Ink factory employees watched in horror as a fellow worker was sucked into an iron-crushing machine then ejected onto a wall almost one hundred feet away.

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Funny story: Nudists Move Out of Mousetrap Factory

Nudists Move Out of Mousetrap Factory

A strike at mousetrap factory, which has been at the center of a protest by a group of nudist workers, has finally ended with both sides agreeing to a peace deal.

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Funny story: China to Move Manufacturing Plants to US

China to Move Manufacturing Plants to US

Tired of public outcry about lead paint on toys, poison in other products, China has announced it is fed up with the workers and greedy plant owners inside the borders, and will instead move manufacturing plants to the US, where environmental regulat...

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Funny story: Chocolatier Willie Wonka Decides Not To Give Away Factory

Chocolatier Willie Wonka Decides Not To Give Away Factory

World famous chocolate maker Willie Wonka has decided not to give his factory to Charlie Bucket, as was previously announced. Charlie won a golden ticket, along with several other children, and was given the opportunity to tour the secret factory ba...

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Funny story: Annoying Little Bastard

Annoying Little Bastard

Michael Richards recently shocked the audience at LA's Laugh Factory. The former Seinfeld funny man was doing his stage act, when he was heckled by spectators. That's when things took a weird turn. Richards responded in what can only be called a bizarre tirade of racial slurs. As the audience gasped, and murmered "Oh my God" under their breath, Kramer continued his rant, pushing...

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Funny story: Golf Sale Man in Animal Gubbins

Golf Sale Man in Animal Gubbins

An unconscious pedant survived an unplanned scare today, when a hitherto unecessary bucket was placed under the lip of his Allegro. The unnamed man (46) was collecting golf sale memorabilia at an unused tractor factory in Penge, when the scattered re...

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Funny story: Bush Confuses Durex With Semtex

Bush Confuses Durex With Semtex

Western security forces were put on a high state of alert following a terrorist atrocity at the world's largest condom factory.

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Funny story: Strike At Match Factory

Strike At Match Factory

Yesterday, a match factory in Wick, Scotland went on strike.

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