Holmul, Guatemala - A decorative stucco frieze dating from around AD 590 discovered last month inside a Guatemalan pyramid's foundations will probably turn out to be a 19th century hoax according to a UNESCO archaeology report published this weekend.
London - A telepathic war of words is suspected by museum curators monitoring the infamous life-sized Mitchell-Hedges crystal skull found in Belize circa 1924. The pre-Columbian Mesoamerican artefuct is thought to be 'having a mental war' with Dam...
Space - It's existence had been suspected for aeons and was enough to freak out 5th century AD Church elders sufficiently into sexing-up their farcical God-the-Father rants. This week pictures of a crystal skull-like galaxy - described as 'depicti...
London - (Artefux): Since the dawn of time the billion year-old amethyst skull has nestled under the foundations of the TV pundit's back side - er...yard! This weekend the London Abasement Company's builders were gobsmacked when a mystery object u...
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