
Funny satire stories about Credit Card

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Funny story: A homeless man in Manhattan tells drivers that he'll gladly take VISA

A homeless man in Manhattan tells drivers that he'll gladly take VISA

The Scuttlebutt Review reports that a homeless man who works the street corners of Manhattan has come up with the novel idea of taking credit cards in lieu of money. Norman F. Charwick, 57, who has been working the street corner of Lexington Avenu…

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Funny story: Credit Card Numbers Are Getting Longer and Longer - For Example 7390 2742 0831 7062 1093

Credit Card Numbers Are Getting Longer and Longer - For Example 7390 2742 0831 7062 1093

NEW YORK CITY - (Satire News) - Nowadays, everything is totally automated and computerized. When, you call your dentist you end up talking to four different recording machines and six different departments. After having to listen to recordings wit…

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Funny story: Douche Bag Pays For Stupid Shit With A Credit Card

Douche Bag Pays For Stupid Shit With A Credit Card

Snapperville, Iowa. Dick Head, Fuck Face, and Jerk Off. These were just a few words that were used to describe local snot rag, Ryan Skepper, 24, who used a credit card at a gas station to pay for an ice cream cone, a bag of Cheetos, and a bottle of...

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Funny story: Credit company to employ loan shark collection methods

Credit company to employ loan shark collection methods

As if the homophobic rants of its spokesman, Alec Baldwin, weren't enough bad publicity for Capital Card, its new terms dictate that representatives of the credit card company can visit or contact debtors "in any manner we choose," including paying p...

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Funny story: Credit Company Training SWAT Teams to Collect Bills

Credit Company Training SWAT Teams to Collect Bills

TYSONS CORNER, VIRGINIA-The collection department at CapitalCard is in the process of training SWAT teams to collect delinquent payments from customers' accounts using methods perfected by the Los Angeles Police Department under the regime of Police...

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Funny story: Bank of America Expresses Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street Activists by Handing Out Credit Card Applications at Occupy Events

Bank of America Expresses Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street Activists by Handing Out Credit Card Applications at Occupy Events

Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan is grateful and proud to be part of the 1% that possess nearly all of the nation's wealth. Nevertheless, Moynihan hasn't forgotten about the 99% who aren't quite so fortunate - far from it. "I've been blessed," h...

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Funny story: Credit card frauds hack into Spoofers credit card; Bastards!

Credit card frauds hack into Spoofers credit card; Bastards!

Beware all credit card holders, they can hack in without you even knowing! Well known average Spoofer, Jaggedone, me, has just had his credit card hacked to the tune of 3500,00 Euro's (Thank the Lord it wasn't more!) and they even cracked the sec...

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Funny story: Freddie Mac to be downgraded from 'Satan incarnate' to 'Satan's minion'

Freddie Mac to be downgraded from 'Satan incarnate' to 'Satan's minion'

McLEAN, Va. - The nation is in utter shock to learn this week that the taxpayer-owned mortgage giant, Freddie Mac, is actually out to turn a profit. For the past two years, Freddie Mac has been placing multibillion-dollar bets that homeowners won'...

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Funny story: Ivan Beenrippedoff Could Replace Ballmer : Bill Gates

Ivan Beenrippedoff Could Replace Ballmer : Bill Gates

Las Vegas (AP) Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates has indicated disgruntled parent Ivan Beenrippedoff is to replace failed actor Steve Ballmer as CEO of Microsoft. Ivan Beenrippedoff made headlines earlier in the week after requesting $190 million (Aus...

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Funny story: XBox Live Not Safe For Children

XBox Live Not Safe For Children

Las Vegas (AP) A customer service representative has said that XBox Live is not safe for Children and parents need to take care before allowing them online. The security concern comes days before preview of the Mango update for Windows Phone 7, la...

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Funny story: Microsoft Steve Ballmer to Play Fagin in Oliver Twist

Microsoft Steve Ballmer to Play Fagin in Oliver Twist

Las Vegas - A SECURITY ALERT has been issued after it has been revealed that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is rumored to have been taking Acting lessons in preparation to play Fagin in a spoof Oliver Twist presentation at E3 2011. In an ironic twist...

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Funny story: Local Man Maxes Out Four Credit Cards On TV Christmas Shopping Spree

Local Man Maxes Out Four Credit Cards On TV Christmas Shopping Spree

Local man, Martin Shuttlecock, this morning revealed to a Skoob News reporter how he maxed out four credit cards whilst watching late night TV shopping channel QED. Shuttlecock explained that he'd been enjoying some pre Christmas holiday time that...

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Funny story: Kardashian Credit Cards Don't Work

Kardashian Credit Cards Don't Work

The Kardashians are slowly backing away from another failed business venture, and this time it is their prepaid credit card idea that is leading to some bad press. "I really thought the credit cards were a great idea, because I know that is prett...

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Funny story: A return to the dark ages as Supermarkets are only able to take cash!

A return to the dark ages as Supermarkets are only able to take cash!

100s of Supermarkets, Britain: Across the length and breadth of Britain, thousands of shoppers were unable to buy food today in what could be a sign of things to come. Investigations are ongoing, with Store Manager realising it was causing "great...

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Funny story: Woman Convicted of Stealing Own Identity

Woman Convicted of Stealing Own Identity

(Nippintucket, OH) An Ohio woman has been convicted of an unusual form of identity theft. US Prosecuting Attorney Robert Ungar Rammson said the elderly woman, Gedda L. Ott, had over the years filled out credit card applications sent to relatives w...

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Funny story: Church issues credit cards

Church issues credit cards

Archbishop Rowan Williams will announce at this Sunday's mass at Westminster Abbey that the church will actively help those in financial difficulties to overcome them as soon as possible. A small army of three thousand volunteers will go door to...

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Funny story: Banks Lobby Congress For Law Making Credit Card Defaulters indentured Servants

Banks Lobby Congress For Law Making Credit Card Defaulters indentured Servants

In what seems like an unprecedented move the bank lobby is pressing both the House and the Senate to pass sweeping legislation to designate all citizens who are in default on their credit cards as indentured servants. The legislation will affect mil...

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