Case No. 90823903 Jonathan Obegabi (19) Unemployed computer hacker Found guilty of eating more than one McDonald's burger in a week. Fined £5000, and had his fast food eating licence suspended for two months. Case No. 90823904 Sayed Maqsood Hashemi (54) Taxi Driver Found Guilty of eating a kebab without a mask on. Fined £55, and received two point on his fast food eating licence. Ca...
This article was sent in by a decrepit ageing ex-security officer. Who, although today he cannot remember where he left his hearing aids, glasses, bus-pass or what day of the week it is, refers to his old personal notebook, to dredge up some answers given in the courts, he remembers: Magistrate to Defendant: "... so how do you propose to pay this fine?" Defendant's Reply: "Wiv me dole!" J...
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