
Funny satire stories about Chernobyl

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Funny story: WW3 Halloween or April Fool?

WW3 Halloween or April Fool?

Putin hasn’t really given a timeline on when he wants to start World War 3, but a Moscow insider has given a hint. “What is scariest time of year? Time when people think things are scary but they know no really cuz it’s holiday? Yes, my friend, is…

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Funny story: Government pandemic plans left in minister's office

Government pandemic plans left in minister's office

The UK government has finally found the root cause of the coronavirus planning team's inadequate response. A junior minister accidentally left behind the detailed strategy document in his office, after the entire Department of Health was ordered to w...

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Funny story: Local Man Has Mixed Feelings Over Date

Local Man Has Mixed Feelings Over Date

Elmer Godfrey had one of his best/worst dates ever Saturday night according to his friend and fellow worker, Elliot Beasley. As the early birds gathered around the water cooler fibbing about their great weekends, Elliot told his fellow workers abo...

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Funny story: Dimmest Bulb in the Box: Obama Presents Queen with Case of Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs!

Dimmest Bulb in the Box: Obama Presents Queen with Case of Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs!

Following his flawed toast to the Queen of England following his nostalgic revisiting of his roots in Ireland, President O'bama continued his clueless knowledge of International Protocol by presenting Her Majesty with a gift wrapped case of CFL's f...

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Funny story: Video of the Cher Nobel Prize now available

Video of the Cher Nobel Prize now available

Fukushima - According to reporting from the venue, and confirmed by our staff, video of Cher awarding the Nobel prize for greatest reactor drama is now available. The audience was all a "ga ga" with admiration and everyone was star struck. Everyw...

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Funny story: Cher to award Nobel prize to Fukushima reactor managers

Cher to award Nobel prize to Fukushima reactor managers

Fukushima - According to my source, Cher's hairdresser, Cher is traveling to Japan now to award the Cher Nobel prize to the Fukushima management team. The prize goes to the nuclear accident of greatest proportion and drama, and is only awarded whe...

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Funny story: Homer Simpson on Tap to Lead Chernobyl Tours

Homer Simpson on Tap to Lead Chernobyl Tours

What better way to tour a nuclear disaster site in Ukraine (formerly USSR) than to be lead by the one of the best-loved characters of our time. A man whose name is synonymous with nuclear disaster? That's right, Homer Simpson, a long-time employee of...

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Funny story: Colonel Juan Caught Up In Chernobyl Giant Radioactive Ant Scare/Panic

Colonel Juan Caught Up In Chernobyl Giant Radioactive Ant Scare/Panic

Exiled Bolivian dictator and part time scribe for popular satirical website, Colonel Juan, today revealed that he suffered a terrifying ordeal at the site of the Chernobyl nuclear reactor meltdown. The Colonel, a much reviled figure i...

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