NEWARK, New Jersey – Newark police have just announced that they have received a very unusual ransom note from an individual who has kidnapped the 24-year-old daughter of well-known Newark attorney, V.K. Fillatingo. Lt. Rusty Keyweather, with the...
CALEXICO, California - Border Patrol agents in the border town of Calexico have apprehended a person they described as being an illegal tourist. Agents Dusty Voight and Chauncey Ortega said that they were patrolling the border wall between Calexic...
CHEYENNE, Wyoming - MTV is reporting that many grocery store chains are now having to hire extra security guards. They note that due to the extreme shortage of toilet paper they are seeing more and more incidents of violence among the shoppers.
MILWAUKEE – Local authorities are reporting that overnight thieves broke into the Charmin Warehouse located on Soft Street and made off with 9,000 rolls of toilet paper. Surveillance cameras captured the three thieves who were dressed as Milwaukee...
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