Ratings for the latest CPAC show are in, and it’s not good. There were so few people at the CPAC meeting, and even fewer watching it, that Fox has decided to cancel it. They’re brainstorming ideas of other TV shows to replace CPAC, like “The Jesu…
The old joke goes: Those who can’t do, teach, and those who can’t teach, teach gym. Here’s an update to the joke: Those who can’t do, become politicians. And those politicians who can’t do politics, try acting. Marjorie Taylor Greene is one…
Did he? It seems at his first and last CPAC rally since being removed from office by the voters, Donald Trump gave his speech in the state of Georgia wearing his pants backward. Like a lady’s skirt, zipper in the back. There were several close-up…
Spring is in the air and with it comes a strong whiff of manure being spread on the playing fields. Training commenced at the recent CPAC outing where team owners Charles and David Koch and principal coaches John Boehner and Mitch McConnell evaluate...
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