WASHINGTON DC - With the passing of George H W Bush on November 30th, thousands took time to remember the man he was, and to be thankful for many of the things which he had done. In fact, his accomplishments were so profound that many of the most pow...
Almost born on the day that our beloved country was born (July 4), George Walker Bush, son of former president and vice president George Herbert Walker Bush and brother to former governor of Florida Jeb Bush, will turn 70 this July 6th. It is fitting that his birthday falls within such an auspicious range of dates since he, and his vaunted political family, has been so integral in the formati...
LONDON, England: Today, the tenth anniversary of the start of Gulf War 2, many remember the b_LIAR, in their own special way... "My abiding memory of b_LIAR is his escape from a bookstore in Dublin, afraid to meet protesters. Later, he cancelled his book-signing tour. Yet he was willing to send young British soldiers to their deaths in Iraq." Madame Derry. "When are Boosh and b_LIAR g...
Those revealing WikiLeaks are about to be released once again and this time there is eight times the secret information as the first time. For instance, an insider who has seen some of them ahead of time, says they show that Tony Blair has a huge...
WICHITA, Kansas -- Soon after the September 11 attacks in 2001, U.S. President George W. Bush issued an executive order authorizing the National Security Agency (NSA) to conduct surveillance of certain telephone calls without obtaining a warrant from...
George W. Bush is close to releasing a book of his personal memoirs, one former presidential insider claims. "The content will be completely introspective and based on his numerous accomplishments". The short pamphlet was released to his editors...
WASHINGTON, D.C. - The U. S. Census Bureau faces challenges in the wake of "an odyssey begun in 2001" with the installation of "smart software" by the Bush administration. Six states have begun allowing same-sex marriages in the years since the la...
Many remember the really bright high school Afro American guy who was pretty far from cool. he often found some cache with the little tough inner city jew who was vulgar and often obscene. The pair when they hooked up right became a veritable But...
It was announced that the latest Disney theme park will be built in Washington, D.C. Washington was chosen because there is already a strong sense of living in a fantasy world there. Spokesman Goofieson stated "We feel that people in the D.C.
WASHINGTON D.C. (AP Newsliar) -- A turkey pardoned President Bush today in a ceremony in the Rose Garden of the White House, in Washington. Presidents since Truman have pardoned a Thanksgiving turkey yearly in this decades-old White House traditio...
WASHINGTON, DC -- President George W. Bush today issued an executive order directing all federal employees to remove the letter O from their computer keyboards and destroy it. "It's payback," the President said. "When I took office, the Clinton W...
(Washington, D.C.) A recent CNN/Opinion Research poll showed that President Bush's disapproval rating of 71 is higher than the mandatory IQ to become a Playboy Bunny.
Spoof Reporter Cal Jennings was sent to cover the latest announcement by President Bush. It seems that the Bush administration has uncovered a new threat to America... artists and musicians... musical artists... uh, however you say it.
Was IRAq Puppet Prime Monster Newry Al Malarkey chosen by the Bush Administration on the strength of his name alone?...
Cuban citizens and the world's media were today aghast as de facto leader Raul Castro evicted the US military from Guantanamo Bay.
Crawford, TX -- The Bush Administration announced today that hurricane names shall henceforth commemorate key members and incidents in its administration.
College Station, Texas - Eight-three-year-old, George H.W. Bush took the ultimate leap of faith that Americans believe him now as he jumped out of an airplane today strapped to a member of the U.S. Army Golden Knights parachute team. It was in celebr...
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