
Funny satire stories about British Empire

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Funny story: Charles' Coronation Marks 1,000 Years of Compassionate British Rule of Wales, Irleand and Scotland, Etc.

Charles' Coronation Marks 1,000 Years of Compassionate British Rule of Wales, Irleand and Scotland, Etc.

So says Dr. Rotundus Boypincher of the Famous Boypincher Clergy Family - (going far Back in British Church history). He was doing a TV book interview for his latest book - 'How Britain Civilized the World and Made Lots of Money. Doing It'. B…

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Funny story: Legal Opium Coming Soon to Afghanistan

Legal Opium Coming Soon to Afghanistan

Taking a page out of The Big Book of British Imperialism and Financing the Empire with Drugs, the Afghani government, aka The Taliban, have decided to play to their strengths and legalize opium and all of its derivatives. Since they grow the best shi…

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Funny story: The British Commonwealth is on its Last Legs

The British Commonwealth is on its Last Legs

'It is the last tattered fig leaf on a helmeted sculpture of Britannia - representing the past vast military and commercial conquest of the world by England - said journalist Boris Blathering - (who is part Irish). The British Empire probably ki…

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Funny story: Empire Games come to an end

Empire Games come to an end

After two week of sporting success and imperial glory, the Empire Games in Birmingham have finally come to an end. The closing ceremony featured Noddy Holder demonstrating the invention of heavy metal by lowering his sideburns into a concrete furnace…

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Funny story: Brexit Class War 101

Brexit Class War 101

The British are one of the most class-conscious countries in the world. It was why Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto in London, England. They thought the Brits would be the first nation to embrace this “new” communism.

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Funny story: Doctor Who Cares

Doctor Who Cares

Space, the final frontier … for bigotry? When travelling through space and time and parallel dimensions, many Doctor Who fans insist on being escorted by a white male doctor. This is the way of empire, of the British Empire, so some fans want Brit…

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Funny story: Prince Charles to be Next Commonwealth Head and Change its Name to Royalwealth

Prince Charles to be Next Commonwealth Head and Change its Name to Royalwealth

Diplomatic correspondent Paxton Quigley has learned that Commonwealth leaders have agreed the appointment of Prince Charles as the next head of the Commonwealth. In his inaugural speech as head, HRH Prince Charles immediately announced the name chang...

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Funny story: England-Gibraltar colonial sporting jamboree begins

England-Gibraltar colonial sporting jamboree begins

This week the second largest multi-disciplinary sporting event in the world began in Australia. To many it is just another fixture in the athletics calendar, but it is also a bizarre relic of how the British Empire tries to stay relevant in the moder...

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Funny story: Britain becomes third world country due to lack of third runway at Heathrow

Britain becomes third world country due to lack of third runway at Heathrow

LONDON, ENGLAND - The damning economic report issued today revealed the lowest GDP growth figures in British history, effectively rendering Britain a third world country. Economists, politicians and self-proclaimed "experts" from down the pub wer...

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Funny story: Falklands War! What is it good for? Economic Dominance thats what

Falklands War! What is it good for? Economic Dominance thats what

Argentina's Prime Minister Christina Gabriella Diego hey Macarena de Ashton Kirchner has again spoken out about the Falkland Islands by denouncing Britain as colonialists who unethically took the islands, in a reference to the British Empire colonist...

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Funny story: David Cameron To Apologise Over British Empire's Sock Policies

David Cameron To Apologise Over British Empire's Sock Policies

In a surprise change to a scheduled speech, the Prime Minister, David Cameron, is to apologise to Britain's former colonies over the Empire's treatment of their socks. During a visit to a meeting of midlands industry executives in Wolverhampton to...

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Funny story: "America Still Part of UK", says new-found documents

"America Still Part of UK", says new-found documents

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Now CAMERON, D.C.) & LONDON - The United States of America was once a former colony of the British Empire, gaining independence from it. Until now. In London, experts at the British Museum have found new documents which means...

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Funny story: Remains of American ideals found

Remains of American ideals found

A journalist has found the remains of the last of the American ideals that still existed before the first Gulf War began. The ideal was shot down on the first day of that war in 1991, a day which also saw the final death of the Monroe Doctrine, an...

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Funny story: Americans lay wreath for end of British Empire

Americans lay wreath for end of British Empire

At the site of the WTC in New York City today, American construction workers took two minutes off work to lay a wreath beside a hamburger stand, in memory of the British Empire. The wreath had a personal message, signed by the US President, which...

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