ATLANTA – (Sports Satire) – The most hated person in America, Donald Jonathan Trump, did not help himself when he was spotted at the Atlanta Braves – Houston Astros World Series Game, acting like a total and complete asshole. Trump, who stood out…
DUCK DUNG, Alabama – (Satire News) – The former resident of the White House was in Duck Dung visiting one of his campaign managers. A reporter with RumorLand News remarked to a bystander, how he is starting to look like the former governor of New…
NEW YORK CITY – (Sports Satire) – Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred has just reported that the incidence of fans getting hit by foul balls has been greatly reduced. Manfred told ESPN-4, that injuries to fans from foul balls went down 900%, which,…
ATLANTA – (Sports Satire) - ESPN-4 is reporting that Liberty Media Corporation, which owns the Atlanta Braves, wants their fans to please be patient because they are in the process of changing the team name. A spokesperson for the Braves organizat…
ATLANTA – The Savannah Blaster-Register is reporting that the Atlanta Braves organization sent out over 23,000 survey cards to their season ticket holders. They asked what name they would like to see replace the Braves moniker. The organization…
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