Manchester City and Argentina forward Carlos Tevez has signed up former strike leader Arthur Scargill to organise a march in his name. The scarfaced player is fed up with the backlash since his apparent refusal to play against Bayern Munich in the...
Many years ago there was an illness called the English illness, the longbow disease, la bouef malaise and other variations. This English disease the french and other continentals believed was contagious and safe so long as the English channel remaine...
In what must surely be a humiliating blow, slapheaded communist, Arthur Scargill, has been sacked by his own union - the National Union of Mineworkers. Thanks to his failed leadership during the 80's miners strikes, fatcat hands-in-the-till Scargi...
Yorkshire, ENGLAND: Arthur Scargill the former British trade union and political party leader has hit out at his critics of the 1984-85 miners' strike. Arthur Scargill the President of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) from 1981 to 2000 and b...
Detailed Plans for the funeral of Baroness Thatcher have been revealed, despite the former P.M. Still being alive. As well as a state funeral, officials are planning to install a wood-sprung dance floor directly above her final resting place.
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