There were 'knowing smiles' and sideways glances aplenty all across the scientific community today, after it was announced that the Swedish environmental activist, 16-year-old schoolgirl, Greta Thunberg, is pregnant - with ideas on how to save the p...
Lance and Linda Gibson of St. Louis, Missouri, were hurt when their 14-year-old daughter, Carly, told them that she didn't think they or their generation had done a very good job of caring for the planet. "Look, we're no fans of global warming, ei...
Long considered an advisement to allow others to do as they please regardless of consequences, the slogan "live and let live" was recently employed by a group of animal rights activists who exhorted humans to eat only plants and let other animals liv...
Progressively-minded Krista Northrup of Madison, Tennessee, who likes to bring her activist spirit to her attire, slowly came to realize that the revolutionary messages she was sporting on her T-shirts were generally going over the heads of her fello...
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