
Funny satire stories about X-Factor

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Funny story: Britney Spears Jealous of Simon Cowell's New Girlfriend

Britney Spears Jealous of Simon Cowell's New Girlfriend

LOS ANGELES - It is no secret in the inner circles of X-Factor that Simon "The Count of Cruelty" Cowell and Britney "Oopsies" Spears have had quite a fondness for each other. In fact a close, inside, unnamed source recently told iRumors that the r...

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Funny story: X-Factor's Demi Lovato Says Britney Spears Cries More Than Nicole Scherzinger

X-Factor's Demi Lovato Says Britney Spears Cries More Than Nicole Scherzinger

LOS ANGELES - The X-Factor season has not had as much drama, fireworks, and physical threats as its counterpart American Idol. Simon Cowell, alias The Count of Criticism, told Bedroom Pillow Talk's Carolina Chipotle that there is no way that he wo...

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Funny story: Susan Boyle livid at news of Jimmy Savile

Susan Boyle livid at news of Jimmy Savile

Popular singing sensation and "Britain's Got Premium Rate Phone Lines" runner-up Susan Boyle (known as SuBo to her friends or "Mad Scottish Woman" to her detractors), has thrown her weight - thought to be approaching 14 stone - into the foray regardi...

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Funny story: Khloe Kardashian and Mario Lopez Named Co-Hosts of X-Factor

Khloe Kardashian and Mario Lopez Named Co-Hosts of X-Factor

LOS ANGELES - After months of considering literally hundreds of individuals for the coveted co-host positions on X-Factor, Simon Cowell has finally made his decision. He has announced to the Tinsel Town media corps that Khloe Kardashian, 28, and M...

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Funny story: Simon Cowell And The Sheep

Simon Cowell And The Sheep

HOLLYWOOD - Simon Cowell of the X-Factor, who is referred to as The "Viceroy of Venom," is not known for his clothing expertise, which pretty much consists of wearing either a simple black or a simple gray T-shirt. But word out of Tinsel Town is t...

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Funny story: Britney Spears Admits She Eats 15 Hot Dogs A Day!

Britney Spears Admits She Eats 15 Hot Dogs A Day!

LOS ANGELES - Britney Spears recently stated that she is having a marvelous time being a judge on Simon Cowell's X-Factor. The 30-year-old says that at first she thought that it was going to be hard for her to say no to singing contestants but aft...

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Funny story: X-Factor's Demi Lovato Talks About Rehab

X-Factor's Demi Lovato Talks About Rehab

BEVERLY HILLS - Twenty-year-old Demi Lovato is the youngest of the four X-Factor judges. She recently sat down with Pico de Gallo of Tittle Tattle Tonight at The Gunfight At The OK Corral Steakhouse in Beverly Hills. Demi talked to de Gallo abo...

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Funny story: Simon Cowell Says President Obama Is A Much Better Singer Than Mitt Romney

Simon Cowell Says President Obama Is A Much Better Singer Than Mitt Romney

HOLLYWOOD - Simon Cowell, the Englishman with the golden touch when it comes to television reality shows was sitting in his X-Factor dressing room smoking a Marlboro and drinking a glass of Lowenbrau Beer. He was asked by Yippee-Ki-Yay Magazine's...

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Funny story: Simon Cowell's X-Factor Kicks Off Season Number 2

Simon Cowell's X-Factor Kicks Off Season Number 2

AUSTIN - Season 2 of Simon Cowell's X-Factor shot right out of the chute like a 2,000 pound bucking Brahma bull. After months and months of searching for two judges to replace the fired Paula "Touchdown" Abdul and Nicole "Teardrops" Scherzinger, S...

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Funny story: Simon Cowell's Meltdown

Simon Cowell's Meltdown

LOS ANGELES - Simon Cowell is a very private individual who does not like to give interviews. But he did sit down recently with Pico de Gallo of Tittle Tattle Tonight. De Gallo asked the man known as The Sultan of Sarcasm how many T-shirts he has.

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Funny story: Demi Lovato's Confession To Simon Cowell

Demi Lovato's Confession To Simon Cowell

HOLLYWOOD - The youngest X-Factor judge Demi Lovato, who just recently turned 20, is really going to be a boost to the sagging X-Factor ratings. Lovato, who had a big hit with her song "Skyscraper," recently confided to Simon Cowell that she is li...

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Funny story: Sidebar of Shame Throwaway Celebrity Gossip 26th August 2012

Sidebar of Shame Throwaway Celebrity Gossip 26th August 2012

Big Fat Gypsy Weddings set to be axed by Channel 4. Coming Soon: Big Fat Gypsy Divorces Kim Kardashians Supremely silly Diana Ross hairdo Well it takes the focus off of Kims butt. Gary's close encounter on The X Factor: CHEEKY wannabe Jamuna grabs Barlow's bum after audition. Or maybe she worked for the Inland Revenue and was looking for his wallet. Celeb Big Brother Latest Julian...

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Funny story: Louis Walsh's new hair makes him look 40 years younger claims orang-utan hair transplant pioneer

Louis Walsh's new hair makes him look 40 years younger claims orang-utan hair transplant pioneer

Following Louis Walsh's surprising new hairstyle as seen on The X-Factor, details are now emerging of the controversial procedure he has undertaken to achieve the effect. And the scientist behind the process, Doctor Ronan Westboys, has spoken out ab...

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Funny story: Woman sees red whilst singing pink on the X-Factor

Woman sees red whilst singing pink on the X-Factor

The X-Factor is back......HURRAH HURRAH Saturday night TV sorted until Christmas......HOORAY HOORAY....hooray.....ray....hoo.....hoo......ray.....ray HOO Pink tribute singer Pink said "I look like Pink and sing like Pink and I am here to sing a Pink song". Gary smiled. Tulisa smiled. Nicole smiled. Pre-menstrual Spice girl said "Whatever".

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Funny story: Stacy Keibler or Khloe Kardashian Could Be One of The Two New X-Factor Judges

Stacy Keibler or Khloe Kardashian Could Be One of The Two New X-Factor Judges

HOLLYWOOD - Simon Cowell has stated that he has added two more names to his list of possible X-Factor judges. The T-shirted "Sultan of Sarcasm" spoke with Sangria Wine of TV ClickerWorld and stated that he is really taking his time with his select...

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Funny story: One Direction fans sign up for plastic surgery for Harry Styles

One Direction fans sign up for plastic surgery for Harry Styles

A plastic surgeon in Hertfordshire has reported a 2,000% increase in business in the last week - all from teenagers attempting to look older - so they can catch the eye of One Direction heart-throb Harry Styles. The 17 year old star has been splas...

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Funny story: Simon Cowell Has Narrowed His Choice For X-Factor Host Down To Five Individuals

Simon Cowell Has Narrowed His Choice For X-Factor Host Down To Five Individuals

LOS ANGELES - Simon Cowell, the man who single-handedly brought back the black T-shirt sat all alone in a booth at The Cackle Cackle Chicken Diner in Avocado Heights. A person in the next booth who would only give her initials (H.U.) told Bedroom...

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