Jim Ronson didn't expect anything unusual to happen last Friday as he sipped his morning coffee and checked his daily e-mail. But the events that followed quickly served as a sobering reminder of the dangerous and potentially lethal effects of today'...
Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin is at the centre of US political news again, after a graphic video clip of her mopping up some vaginal discharge reached more than 1 million hits within two days of being posted on YouTube. The Alaska governor h...
Video website YouTube has come under criticism from an army of its loyal visitors, after introducing a Spell Check mechanism for its comments system. "This is deffo bad. U cant rite anyfin rong now. Is well whack.' wrote user KingHomey13 on...
(BLOGBAMA) - Did you see it? Did you see Obama give Hillary the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate? I saw it (it's all over YouTube if you haven't seen it yet).
In a video found on You Tube today, some scary looking brown skinned man wearing a turban and a big scary stick on beard, claiming to be Osama Bin Laden, even though his voice is completely different from all the other copy cat Osama's we've...
Las Vegas, Nevada - Contrary to its official policy to red flag any viral video that depicts unnecessary violence, YouTube proudly announced today that the Nevada Boxing Commission finally approved its application for an online fight club.
The Queen has set up her own special Royal Channel on YouTube - and her Christmas Day Message will be posted on the popular video-sharing website for the first time in later this year.
Straggly bearded Multi-millionaire and train driver Richard Branson has unleashed a brand new idea on the world.
Pakistan has accused satirical news website TheSpoof.com of Islamophobia, and yesterday attempted to block access to the site in Pakistan, which resulted in a global blackout of some...
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr.Rowan Williams, has decided to go YouTube to announce his new year message. The message was one of green issues.
In a shock report in 'Campanologists Weekly', it has been revealed that the famous 'Big Ben', used for well over a century to ring in the New Year will be silent.
The high school cheerleader in Washington that was accidentally trampled by the football team is recovering with only mild bruises. Friday evening, during the Homecoming game, she moved to straighten the center of a large banner just as the football...
YouTube, the video sharing website where users can upload, share and view video clips, is a magnet for delinquents, claims a report.
AUSTIN, TX (AP Newsliar) -- A Ron Paul supporter collapsed from exhaustion after spending 36 hours straight on the Internet, posting pro-Paul comments on various blogs, repeatedly viewing videos to pad the stats of the Ron Paul YouTube channel, and s...
YouTube was shut down yesterday by Google, which bought the company several months ago. Google replaced the online video service with a new version, named YouTube Two. The move was motivated by several problems with the original serv...
Victims of depleted uranium poisoning have filed suit against the government for inadequately warning them of the inherent dangers involved in using their ordnance.
CCN (Crazy Cal News) - The Internets - In an effort to block, or at least slow down Ron Paul's extreme popularity on the internet, YouTube has been delaying videos meant for Ron Paul's Iowa Straw Poll campaign. This is only one small part of...
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