
Funny satire stories about Youth

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Funny story: Nation in Shock as Teenager Helps

Nation in Shock as Teenager Helps

BIRMINGHAM - A teenager - those evil youths - was found to be helping within his community today. Rob Smith, 15, who is a teenager, and therefore a baby-eating monster - was helping an old lady across the road. "He came up to me," recalled Dais...

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Funny story: Joanna Lumley Calls In Ghurkas To Improve Youth

Joanna Lumley Calls In Ghurkas To Improve Youth

TV star and Ghurka champion, Joanna Lumley, is to call in her mates in the Nepalese brigade to improve the nation's youth. Having battled for the rights of former Ghurkas to settle in the UK, the actress has turned her guns on the current youth ge...

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Funny story: Isle of Wight News - Spoof Writers invited to talk to teens about future employment opportunities

Isle of Wight News - Spoof Writers invited to talk to teens about future employment opportunities

Newby mayor, Arthur Askme (yes he is STILL in office - he's barricaded himself into his office after hearing news that the villagers want to replace him), Isle of Wight, has invited three of the most devoted Spoof writers to speak to the youth of the...

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Funny story: Old Boomer Hit Parade: Bye Bye Youth

Old Boomer Hit Parade: Bye Bye Youth

Bye Bye Youth (Sung to Bye Bye Love) Yet another oldie to tap your toes to, whether you're rockin' to the oldies in your favorite rockin' chair or buzzin' past the nurses in your brand spankin' new mobility scooter. Who better to parody than the Everly Brothers, who are still alive to sing along to this one. Bye bye youth, Bye bye agility, Hello senility, I think I'm a gonna cry-y. By...

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Funny story: Horror: London Man Brutally Left Hanging In Street

Horror: London Man Brutally Left Hanging In Street

Police are conducting a city wide search for a group of youths who callously left a pal hanging in a busy street, last Thursday evening, while out on the town drinking. Reports suggest the group were out celebrating a work related job promotion, f...

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Funny story: Destruction: Annual Reading Festival Ruined By Spotty Youths

Destruction: Annual Reading Festival Ruined By Spotty Youths

The United Kingdom Library Association's annual gathering was 'utterly ruined' says their President, Lynnette Nanook, 68. Nanook, who has been President for over 25 years, told us she has never seen such behaviour at a UKLA event in all her days.

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Funny story: Yobbos invent frightening new method of assault

Yobbos invent frightening new method of assault

As if life on the streets was not bad enough these days, we have learned of a frightening new trend which is being adopted by gangs of yobs and hoodies, the length and breadth of the country. First there was 'mugging', then 'joy-riding'. More rece...

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Funny story: Anti-knife youth task force sells guns to raise money

Anti-knife youth task force sells guns to raise money

LONDON, England - According to Mr. Remington of London, a new anti-knife campaign including posters, tele and online adverts, music videos, and strippers is warning youth against using or even carrying knives. This rouge task force of young anti-k...

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Funny story: Wet Dreams - Do You Remember Them?

Wet Dreams - Do You Remember Them?

We all look back on our youth through rose-tinted spectacles, remembering our naive wide-eyed innocence and conveniently forgetting how we bullied other youths; weaker, uglier and less popular youths - often demanding money and cutting their faces with a scalpel if they didn't reciprocate, or a few days spent in the 'hot-box of hell' to give them time to think about it. They always paid up. Yes...

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Funny story: Gary Coleman to reveal the secrets of eternal youth

Gary Coleman to reveal the secrets of eternal youth

78 year old method actor Gary Coleman is to auction the secrets to eternal youth to the highest bidder. The 80's superstar has fallen on hard times after investing the last of his royalty cheques from his show 'Different Strokes' in the stricken A...

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Funny story: Bush Plans to "Youthanize" America

Bush Plans to "Youthanize" America

This week, President Bush announced a new policy for his remaining months in office.

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Funny story: Hot up your sex life! Revolutionary, new "Fountain of Youth" serum created from regurgitated camel saliva

Hot up your sex life! Revolutionary, new "Fountain of Youth" serum created from regurgitated camel saliva

Say goodbye to lonely nights. Say hello to a hot sex life!...

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Funny story: Dear Paraphernalia4Your Genitalia: The Virginity Monologues

Dear Paraphernalia4Your Genitalia: The Virginity Monologues

Dear P4YG, I have been a faithful participant in an abstinence only Christian youth group since I have been ten years old. My father wh...

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Funny story: American Archaeology Journal goes E-X-treme!!

American Archaeology Journal goes E-X-treme!!

Plaid Hill, Mass. -- The editor of the American Journal of East-Mediterranean Archaeology has announced the publication of the youth-oriented American Journal of East-Mediterranean Archaeology E-X-treme!!...

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Funny story: Andy Lam – He likes the ladies

Andy Lam – He likes the ladies

Hello, hello, hello, hello! Andy Lam here, with SEASON’S GREETINGS!!!! “What season?,” you may be wondering -- SPRING TIME, when a young man’s FANCY turns to LOVE. Ah, yes, that oh so wonderful FOUR LETTER WORD. While my YOUTH may be suspect, my VIRILITY cannot be called into question, no, not by a LONG SHOT. Nor, frankly, can my readiness to worship at the alter of APHRODITE!! And so...

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Funny story: President Bush Rallies Youth of America

President Bush Rallies Youth of America

Strongly Defends Record: "I'm Surrounded by Fools and Incompetence!"...

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Funny story: The Secret of Longevity

The Secret of Longevity

Since the beginning of time man has been studying ways to live longer. The cave people did this by simply observing that those who got in the path of a Giant Sloth tended not to live as long as those who didn't. Thus they extended their overall population life span by practicing sloth-avoidance. There was Ponce de Leon and his frustrated search for the fountain of youth. He missed...

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