Scotland Edinburgh; In what at the time was the best kept secret next to the true origins of 'her' Harry Potter story, J.K.Rowling's giving birth to a baby boy was almost relegated to a non-event by the British media for reasons that continue to baff...
After a successful trial in Tameside and Glossop health authority, the NHS is set to roll out Wedding Services in the maternity wards of its hospitals. "We have about fifty hospital chaplains," said Tameside and Glossop NHS director, Mark Emille.
The NHS has purchased 217 Dyson Birthing Machines for maternity units throughout England. The birthing machine is described as a revolution for mothers experiencing a difficult birth. It incorporates Dyson's patented Root Cyclone technology and, w...
Now how old is old to have children? In this case, an old Indian woman who for forty-four years tried to conceive, but with no success, has given birth to triplets. Despite all those years of humping the 66 year old says it was too much, sex morn...
Memphis, Tennessee is celebrating the birth of the Blues. Ms. Birtha Blue gave birth by C-Section, Saturday to twelve healthy babies and the Dr. who delivered them was holding a press conference regarding their delivery. "St. Josephs' hospital is...
London - Already the third largest employer in the entire world, the National Health Service plans on stretching the limits of taxpayers further by implementing a new midwifery program for constipated patients staffed with maternity room nurses. T...
BELLFLOWER, California - A woman gave birth on Monday to $800,000, only the second time in history such a large amount has survived more than a few hours without being stolen, doctors said. The mother gave birth to eight thousand $100 dollar bills...
GIZA, Egypt - [UPDATE 1] Dr. Gaspar T. Ameri, secret CIA agent, canceled his keynote address on Secrets of the Ancients to meet secretly with Dr. Ameri explained that they have been, for the last 5 years resurrecting mummies, using a ne...
Orgasmic birth seems to be all the rage with a rash of books and films touting labor and delivery as the height of passionate sex. The din has reached such a peak that women who fail to climax while bring junior into the world are suffering from fear...
Mary the Mother of God or a Jewish pregnant teen with a great alibi is thought to be the only human to have experienced a virgin birth. Parthenogenesis has been observed in certain frogs but never in a human woman who has given birth five times.
Washington DC, July 25, 2008: President Bush today called an urgent meeting with his cabinet members from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Health and Human services (HHS) and Homeland Security Department (HSD). The topic was the alarming incre...
The on-going doctors' strike in Maharashtra forced a woman to deliver in a cab late Saturday evening.
As you all know, Zac Efron had his appendix taken out, or did he? Sources say that his appendectomy was actually the birth of his daughter, Allison Marie Efron.
LOS(T) ANGELES - CALIFORNI(C)A: Lionel Richie's little girl - the drugged out, drowned-in-drinks, wanna-be everybody's friend, socialite screw-up, Nicole Richie gave birth yesterday to a 2-pound lollipop.
In late 2006, pictures of the naked vagina of Britney Spears became the most viewed and most searched internet photos of all times. In an attempt to upstage her sister, Jamie Spears has decided to allow her delivery to be broadcast live on televisio...
Look out ladies, your job here is nearly over. Except for a few die hards, men may all be carrying their own children from now on - now it could be them who are the ones with their feet up asking, "do my ankles look swollen?" A decidedly swollen b...
Today in Annapolis, Maryland, a shocking medical mystery occured. A woman gave birth to a 33-year old man.
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