Yuppies, those demi-gods who live amongst us mere mortals do have a hard go of it. They, by their very existence, are refined creatures so much better than you or I who are mere mortals suckling the earth for survival. Now, tired of being consider...
A slow infestation has been discovered that is eating away at the American heartlands. 'Yuppie Sprawl' is a slow, invasive alien mold that is sliming itself across the traditional American landscape. It is a corrosive element in our society known...
In a unique reversal of its former policy of attracting the poor and oppressed for its legions of bomb makers and bomb blowers, Al-Queda has changed its strategy to recruiting young, rich Westerners to its agenda instead. The world's premier ter...
Chicago, Illinois - In a region of the nation known for it's flatness, four brave yuppies dared to challenge Andy Hill, a rough hill that soars up 4,500 feet above sea level, and towers over the prosperous suburb below, on and all around it. These...
Suze Orman, the famous financial guru of our times has written an article for the latest issue of USA Weekend (USA Weekend? What's that?- It's the direct ripoff of the Sunday news's Parade magazine, right down to the size and style, only not as good.) In it Suze has given us some of her valuable time to let us, we the endangered species who still read newspapers AND the endangered species of worki...
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