
Funny satire stories about discrimination

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Funny story: The Shortest Player In The Entire March Madness Tournament Stands 5-Foot-1-Inch And He Can Dunk The Ball Like a 7-Footer

The Shortest Player In The Entire March Madness Tournament Stands 5-Foot-1-Inch And He Can Dunk The Ball Like a 7-Footer

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama - (Satire News) - The Cracker State College Vikings of Valdosta, Georgia are favored to make it all the way to the "Final Four." Vikings Coach Roscoe Chatterwater, who played pro ball with the Boston Celtics for six years, says…

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Funny story: The March Madness NCAA Rules & Policy Committee May Prohibit a 7-Foot-4-Inch Transgender Player From Participating In The Basketball Tournament

The March Madness NCAA Rules & Policy Committee May Prohibit a 7-Foot-4-Inch Transgender Player From Participating In The Basketball Tournament

BIRMINGHAM, Alabama - (Sports Satire) - A transgender center who plays for Land of Cotton University may be prohibited from participating in the March Madness NCAA Basketball Tournament. LCU's Violina Chillwood, who was born Vincent Chillwood, app…

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Funny story: An Ex-Circus Midget Is The First Dwarf To Be a Member of NASCAR

An Ex-Circus Midget Is The First Dwarf To Be a Member of NASCAR

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina - (Satire News) - NASCAR is reporting that they have just hired the very first "Little Person" to be one of their race car drivers. NASCAR spokesperson Sonja Albertino, 32, stated that Izzio Shackley, 30, of Buloxi, Missi…

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Funny story: Memphis Quacks hand Trump a Lifeline

Memphis Quacks hand Trump a Lifeline

In a last-ditch effort to secure a further 4 years in office, Donald Trump has approved tests for the elimination of discrimination based on skin color, a high-minded undertaking which underlines the President's belief that all people are equal, as l…

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Funny story: Washington Redskins rename and are now called Washington Tomato-Skins!

Washington Redskins rename and are now called Washington Tomato-Skins!

There are no stones left to be turned over ever since the BLM movement sped round the planet like Concorde did many years ago. Anything that resembles color, ethnic background, ethnic minorities, or race-related events, is now being exposed, and that…

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Funny story: College Student Kicked Out for Not Being Black Enough

College Student Kicked Out for Not Being Black Enough

New York City, NY - A student was kicked out of his college this week for not being black enough. The former student checked the "Black" box on his college application and was counted as a minority when he was accepted. Once enrolled, the administra...

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Funny story: Fast Food restaurants ban "Healthy" looking people

Fast Food restaurants ban "Healthy" looking people

Only in Trumps America would such a move be considered in keeping with current equality laws. After recent pressure from 'large' groups of eatavists, several fast food restaurant chains have given in and applied a nationwide ban on healthy peopl...

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Funny story: Is Melania Even In The Same Bed As Donald Trump?

Is Melania Even In The Same Bed As Donald Trump?

In Pennsylvania yesterday Melania Trump, the wife of GOP candidate Donald Trump, gave a speech which said, in part, "America has become "too mean and too rough," and that as first lady she would attempt to correct this national defect. This promp...

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Funny story: "Left-handers should conform" Spouts Germaine Greer

"Left-handers should conform" Spouts Germaine Greer

The haggard, Aussie feminist, Germaine Greer, has hit out over the liberal attitude of so call "leftie liberals" in her latest vitriolic column in the so-called hi-brow press. Speaking in the Guardian, Greer asked: "Why do some people choose to be...

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Funny story: Krusty Kremepie was "just klowning around" with KKK kampaign

Krusty Kremepie was "just klowning around" with KKK kampaign

Krusty Kremepie Klub spells "KKK." It also spells BIG TROUBLE for the doughnuts franchise. A Krusty Kremepie location in the United Kingdom (aka Great Britain, aka the British Isles, aka England) has halted a "promotion" for its Krusty Kremepie...

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Funny story: Kool-Aid Man Banned from All Stadium Events!

Kool-Aid Man Banned from All Stadium Events!

In a move that no one has prepared for, the Kool-Aid Man has been banned from all stadium events, especially football and hockey events, across North America and the UK effective immediately. In a press release, event organizers cited concerns over p...

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Funny story: Department of Political Correctness unveils new euphemisms

Department of Political Correctness unveils new euphemisms

The Department of Political Correctness unveiled its new set of 2014-2015 euphemisms today at a press conference in New York after the old euphemisms acquired the same negative connotations as the original phrases. "We believe that these new euphe...

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Funny story: Wealthy Man replaces his Sexist and Racist Thoughts with Clones to silence Critics

Wealthy Man replaces his Sexist and Racist Thoughts with Clones to silence Critics

Dateline: NEW YORK--Tired of being accused of having stereotypical ideas of women and racial minorities, the gazillionaire Roderick Billington set about spending his vast fortune to perfect his conceptions. "I realized the essence of the problem...

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Funny story: Super Class Action Lawsuit Lands in Washington DC District Court

Super Class Action Lawsuit Lands in Washington DC District Court

Washington DC (STT News) - A class action lawsuit was filed today in US District Court in what is being described as an attempt to 'Level the superhero playing field for all creatures of legend and lore'. The lawsuit is being led by Mothman, who...

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Funny story: HUD to order neighborhood busing

HUD to order neighborhood busing

Under the Obama administration, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) plans to "track diversity" in America's neighborhoods; if a community appears to the feds to discriminate, its residents will be bussed to other locations to make r...

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Funny story: Blue Man Group Complains of Discrimination

Blue Man Group Complains of Discrimination

Members of the Blue Man Group of entertainers filed a discrimination lawsuit in federal court today, naming several defendants. While the exact allegations are sealed, one member of the Blue Man Group who requested anonymity said that management...

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Funny story: Man With No Arms and Legs Sues Theme Park For Kicking Him Off Ride

Man With No Arms and Legs Sues Theme Park For Kicking Him Off Ride

ANAHEIM, CA (AP) - David Lochner looks through some pictures pointing out ones where he's playing second base and being used as a Frisbee. Unfortunately, he has no hands so no one can tell what he's referring to... The father of two from Aurora, C...

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