
Funny satire stories about Zimbabwe

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Funny story: An African Midget Monkey In Zimbabwe Can Speak Four Languages

An African Midget Monkey In Zimbabwe Can Speak Four Languages

CHITUNGWIZA, Zimbabwe - (Magazine) - A reporter with BuzzFuzz (Zimbabwe) has just located a Shinatacki African Midget Monkey that amazingly can speak four languages (fluently) including Zimbabwean, Yiddish, Swedish, and Greek. The monkey was found…

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Funny story: Hordes of Baboons Are Overrunning The Once Peaceful Country of Cambodia

Hordes of Baboons Are Overrunning The Once Peaceful Country of Cambodia

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - (Satire News) - Cambodia's national news agency, Jungle Times News, reports that literally thousands of baboons are causing havoc in every city, town, and village in Cambodia. The angry throng of wild, fierce beasts has gott…

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Funny story: The 7-Foot-9-Inch NBA Player For The Oklahoma City Thunder Is Now The Highest Paid African In Basketball

The 7-Foot-9-Inch NBA Player For The Oklahoma City Thunder Is Now The Highest Paid African In Basketball

OKLAHOMA CITY - (Sports Satire) - Sportsapalooza Sports is reporting that Zimbabwean native, LeBrondo Yuvama, has just received a contract extension. The Oklahoma City Thunder center, has just renegotiated his contract, which now calls for him to…

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Funny story: A Javelin Thrower From Zimbabwe Arrested In The Possession of An Illegal Blow Gun

A Javelin Thrower From Zimbabwe Arrested In The Possession of An Illegal Blow Gun

TOKYO – (Satire News) – Summer Olympic officials were shocked beyond belief when a routine search of the Zimbabwe Olympic team turned up an illegal blowgun. The blowgun known commercially as the Zebra Z-19, is extremely dangerous and unlike most t…

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Funny story: Robert Mugabe Cancer Verdict Sparks Wild Celebrations In Zimbabwe

Robert Mugabe Cancer Verdict Sparks Wild Celebrations In Zimbabwe

Results of an autopsy performed after the death of Robert Mugabe, the Zimbabwe prime minister, then president, who had ruled over the country with an iron fist since 1980, proved the dictator was riddled with cancer, sparking wild celebrations throug...

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Funny story: Mugabe No Longer Dictator in Zimbabwe After Military Tricks Him

Mugabe No Longer Dictator in Zimbabwe After Military Tricks Him

Harare, Zimbabwe The Zimbabwe Military recently took over governing the country from the 93-year-old Mugabe. "I'm surprised it took us so long" said General Agreement. "I mean, the guy is 93-years-old. How tough could it be?" "What we did was...

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Funny story: Pardoned by Clinton ex-Dem congressman Mel Reynolds now in hot water with Zimbabwe cops

Pardoned by Clinton ex-Dem congressman Mel Reynolds now in hot water with Zimbabwe cops

Harare, Zimbabwe - His 78-month jail sentence for fraud and lying to SEC investigators was commuted to halfway house by outgoing President Bill Clinton who fought hard but failed to quash Reynolds' five year custodial term for 12 cunts - uh, counts!...

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Funny story: Saddam Hussain Ghost Ride the top attraction in Zimbabwe's forthcoming 'Disneyland in Africa'

Saddam Hussain Ghost Ride the top attraction in Zimbabwe's forthcoming 'Disneyland in Africa'

Africa - A hologram of Saddam plunging headlong over Victoria Falls inside a barrel of sweet light crude is one of President Robert Mugabe's personal favorites to top the bill in Zimbabwe's forthcoming US$300m theme park. The project sees hundreds...

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Funny story: Zimbabwe synchronised toilet flush craze spreads to Barking

Zimbabwe synchronised toilet flush craze spreads to Barking

Isle of Dogs - An Autumn Equinox cleansing ritual peculiar to the Zimbabwean city of Bulawayo is the latest craze to hit East London. At 7.30pm local African time Barking residents are being asked to flush their bogs in a Mexican Wave reaction of...

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Funny story: Zimbabwe ATMs to be brought into the UK

Zimbabwe ATMs to be brought into the UK

With the economic downturn in the UK expected to require quantitative easing, which is in effect, printing more money, cash machines, or ATMs, are to be brought in from Zimbabwe to help the British monetary system cope. "When we print more money,"...

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Funny story: Big Stink In Mugabe Regime

Big Stink In Mugabe Regime

A terrifying and ferocious assault on Robert Mugabe's toilet has led to an army officer being jailed in Zimbabwe. The country's leader is known to be a jealous man and he has never been one to share his loo. One officer in the Zimbabwe military he...

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Funny story: Holy Shit

Holy Shit

A toilet for the exclusive us of Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugable has been used by a police officer, Alois Mabhunu, who was bursting to make use of the nearest loo at a trade fair in Bulawayo. Mugable's detectives had endeavoured to protect his...

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Funny story: The Reality Show "Zimbabwe's Got Talent" Has Been Cancelled

The Reality Show "Zimbabwe's Got Talent" Has Been Cancelled

MUTARE, Zimbabwe - Britain's Got Talent is a very popular reality show as is it's sister version across 'The Pond' America's Got Talent. And there are at least 87 other countries throughout the world who have their own version of the "Got Talent"...

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Funny story: Brazilian footy team give Zimbabweans something to laugh about, or?

Brazilian footy team give Zimbabweans something to laugh about, or?

The Brazilian Footy team entered Zimbabwe at their peril today and offered 50.000 Zimbabweans something to laugh at, or not? Zimbabwe these days is no laughing matter with multi-millionaire scoundrel, dictator and general arse-hole, Robert Mugabe,...

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Funny story: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Say Their Zimbabwe Vine Flu Telethon Raised Over $100 Million

Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart Say Their Zimbabwe Vine Flu Telethon Raised Over $100 Million

MASVINGO, Zimbabwe - The stars of the Twilight vampire movie series Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart are thrilled to announce that their recent vine flu telethon in Zimbabwe was a tremendous success. The two young white folks helped raise over...

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Funny story: Lost Jewish tribe found in Zimbabwe proves that Moses did part the waves!

Lost Jewish tribe found in Zimbabwe proves that Moses did part the waves!

The Lemba, a long lost Jewish tribe has been discovered living in a remote part of Zimbabwe untouched by Robert Mugabe's lynch mobs and are still practising circumsion in the old - fashioned way, with a blunt knife, OUCH! This long lost tribe have...

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Funny story: Mugabe talks non stop bullshit

Mugabe talks non stop bullshit

Robert Mugabe the Dictator of Zimbabwe talks bullshit and talks non stop for hours some might say he is to gabby. Mugabe tries to convince the World that Zimbabwe is a democracy but like most countries that call themselves democracies it is not.

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