(UNEDITED) Ouzo can have strange effects on boozing Brits lounging on Greek islands after a 'Hard Day's Night" especially those from the grand old county of Yorkshire, UK, where they breed them hard, and not so fast! One Sheffield lad, who was le…
In a boost to heroic Brexiteers worldwide, Yorkshire has announced that Leeds will be hosting the first ever Yorkshire Pudding festival on the first of February 2020! The festival will coincide with the 500th anniversary of the invention of the Yorks...
England and Manchester City midfielder James Milner, 26, says his Yorkshire grit fuels his determination to succeed. (Daily Mail) Yorkshire grit, tea-bags and yorkshire puddings. Ukraine coach Oleg Blokhin has banned his players from watching videos of World Cup qualifier opponents England's 5-0 win over Moldova - in case they are intimidated. (Daily Mirror) If they go on the pitch thinking...
If sending Churchill's bust back to England wasn't enough of an insult, President Obama continued his back handed slaps to the Island Realm by tying the country's signature dish of 'Mushy Peas' into his frustration at Congress's unwillingness to agr...
A scientific study has been conducted into the effects of eating Yorkshire pudding. It has been observed that if a Yorkshire (or Northern man) eats Yorkshire pudding on a regular diet he becomes more feminine and womanly. In tests conducted in pub...
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