
Funny satire stories about Yankee Stadium

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Funny story: Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck to Star in the R-Rated Remake of “Pretty Woman”

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck to Star in the R-Rated Remake of “Pretty Woman”

HOLLYWOOD – (Satire News) – Hollywood Innuendo reporter Fajita San Guacamole has just announced that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck, known as Bennifer, have just signed to star in the remake of the Tri-Moon Films production of “Pretty Woman.” A sp…

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Funny story: Drug Enforcement Agents Find 2,000 Pounds of Marijuana in Yankee Stadium

Drug Enforcement Agents Find 2,000 Pounds of Marijuana in Yankee Stadium

NEW YORK CITY – (Sports Satire) - Sports Balls Illustrated Magazine has divulged that DEA agents, acting on a tip, went to Yankee Stadium to check out a report of possible drugs on the premises. A team of six federal agents scoured the stadium gr…

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Funny story: Ghost of Yogi Berra Appears Over Yankee Stadium

Ghost of Yogi Berra Appears Over Yankee Stadium

New York, NY Groundskeepers at Yankee Stadium were preparing the stadium for baseball's Opening Day when they reported seeing the ghost of long-time Yankee catcher and manager Yogi Berra over the home dugout. The groundskeepers said that when the...

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Funny story: Yankees/Tigers playoff games will be played in the 'rain'

Yankees/Tigers playoff games will be played in the 'rain'

Detroit, Michigan - The forecast for Detroit is partly cloudy, but the remaining games of the American League Division Series between the New York Yankees and Detroit Tigers will be played in an off and on downpour. The wet weather guarantee is be...

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Funny story: Yankee Cadavers Bid Fond Farewell to Yankee Stadium

Yankee Cadavers Bid Fond Farewell to Yankee Stadium

The New York Yankee organization and its rowdy fans bade a fond farewell to historic Yankee Stadium when the Bronx Bombers beat the Baltimore Orioles in the last game to be played in the "House That Ruth Built." The score was 4-1, but it was insigni...

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Funny story: Babe Ruth Storms Back to Yankee Stadium as a Category 5

Babe Ruth Storms Back to Yankee Stadium as a Category 5

The legendary Babe Ruth shocked Yankee fans when he returned to life recently to make a brief and fiery appearance at Yankee Stadium. "This year's team is a disgrace," he said. "It's enough to raise the dead. What a bunch of losers." With a tear i...

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