The news, yesterday, that this summer's Olympic Games in Tokyo have been postponed for one year, until July 2021, is a massive body blow to athletes who have thought long and hard about their use of performance-enhancing drugs to get the best out of...
The Tokyo Olympic Games scheduled to start on 24 July, will go ahead as planned, but they will be staged 'behind closed doors', it's been announced in the last few minutes, in a statement by the International Olympic Committee from Berne, in Switzerl...
Recuperating after a gruelling three-day jolly in Japan this morning, President Donald Trump wasted no time in going on the offensive once again, as he tweeted that: "the IOC are nuts if they don't include Sumo in the Tokeyo Olimpycs 2020!! Nuts!!...
Cyclists who ride their bicycles with 'no hands' have been celebrating this morning after it was announced that the practice has been recognised as an individual discipline, and is to be considered for possible inclusion in the next-but-one Olympic G...
Mystery continues to surround Mr. Pence’s relationship with Ms. Kim (although Mrs. Pence objects to the term “relationship.”) Analysts suggest the root of the problem lies in both parties being lodged at the same quarters, The Fourview Hotel in Py...
A new sport has been introduced in today's Olympic games in Sochi. It is Mixed Martial Arts. MMA events will be fought in wire cages, as is the custom in the United States. The purpose of cage fighting is to punch, kick, and pound a man or woman...
SOCHI, RUSSIA - Olympic officials announced today the debut of three new winter events. The Avalanchathon is an event where skiers attempt to ski through man made avalanches. Points are achieved by 1) remaining upright and 2) surviving.
Following Monday's sprint onto the stage by former Prime Minister Gordon Brown to speak against Scottish independence at the International book festival in Edinburgh, Mr Brown said today that he would only consider running for gold at the 2016 Olympi...
Scotland's outspoken and opinionated First Minister, Alex Salmond, has courted controversy by insisting Scotland will field its own Olympic team at the 2016 Rio Games. Salmond, who is convinced Scotland will have departed the UK by 2016, has insis...
Wiltshire - Olympic copyright protection authority jobsworths swooped on an Alton Barnes wheat field this morning amid reports of blatant cashing in on the Games logo. An alien crop circle depicting the Olympic Rings had sprung up overnight 'in co...
Women's beach volleyball players have been advised not to wear tight fitting bikinis at the 2012 London Olympics. Athletes in the event have worn skimpy swimwear since the sport was introduced at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. Now the change has b...
The International Olympic Committee has taken the drastic step of moving the venue of the Olympic games this year from London to Athens. 'We have been worried for some time about the bungling British apology for satisfactory preperation' said IOC...
Metropolitan Police Commissioner Bernard Hogan-Howe says he will choose his words more carefully when commenting on his police forces vigilance during the upcoming Olympic Games, especially during discussions with Mayor Boris Johnson. Confusion ar...
After tirelessly campaigning to bring the 2012 Olympic Games to London, David Beckham was distraught today when it became clear he had not been picked for the British Olympic football team. Stuart Pierce who has been charged with putting the team to...
If there's one thing I can't stand it's the Olympics. Another thing I can't stand is all this talk about the weather. You know, 'Oh how terrible the weather is, you wouldn't think it was June', that kind of talk. The other week I was in a shop buying some picture hooks when I heard the woman behind the counter saying 'isn't the weather dreadful? You wouldn't know it was June'. Apart from the fact...
The government has raised the UK's current terrorist threat level to 'severe', meaning a terrorist attack is now thought to be 'highly likely', following an incident at the new Olympic Park in East London this morning after a fox was seen outside the...
London Mayor Boris Johnson has said the Olympic competitors in this summer's marathons and other competitions taking place on the streets of London, will not be exempt from on-the-spot fines or even arrest if found to be dropping litter during those...
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