
Funny satire stories about Monopoly

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Funny story: Amazon to Buy Google and Walmart - One Corporation to Rule Us All

Amazon to Buy Google and Walmart - One Corporation to Rule Us All

Giant monopoly Amazon is to buy giant monopoly Google, and giant monopoly Walmart to make one huge corporation to basically run everything in America. The A.G.W. (Amazon - Google - Walmart) Corporation - will sell you everything. And watch yo…

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Funny story: Man successfully sues friends for 'unpaid rent' after Monopoly game

Man successfully sues friends for 'unpaid rent' after Monopoly game

A man has successfully sued his friends for 'unpaid rent' following what started of as a friendly game of Monopoly. John Matthews, 30, held a games night at his house in Burton-upon-Trent, Staffordshire back in December and invited four of his fri...

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Funny story: Nottingham Monopoly hits the shops

Nottingham Monopoly hits the shops

The latest city to get the Monopoly treatment in the ever increasingly pointless City series of Monopoly, is Nottingham. Once Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool and Glasgow had joined London in being Monopoly-ised every town and city were clamourin...

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Funny story: Comcast Announces Merger With NSA

Comcast Announces Merger With NSA

Comcast, the largest cable company and home Internet service provider in the U.S., with assets of over $4 Trillion, announced today that it is merging with the National Security Agency. Having just merged with Time Warner Cable in an equity swap...

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Funny story: Bilderburger Finals from Chantilly VA

Bilderburger Finals from Chantilly VA

It's all over but the fears. Early this morning, Marriott employees began handing out souvenir "Sullivan & Cromwell," T-shirts to departing guests in honor of the powerful Wall Street law firm where Alan Dulles and his brother, John Foster Dull...

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Funny story: Monopoly updated to reflect the current economic uncertainty

Monopoly updated to reflect the current economic uncertainty

Monopoly, the world's most popular bored game, has had several incarnations, mainly by using different cities or the Simpsons. Now, MasterBate games have announced that the game will be getting its first major revision since the addition of the Scott...

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Funny story: Parker Brothers Update Their Famous 'Monopoly' Game To Reflect The Current Economic Situation

Parker Brothers Update Their Famous 'Monopoly' Game To Reflect The Current Economic Situation

Due to recent world economic changes, the Parker Brothers game company has announced that it is going to update its world famous game 'Monopoly' to better reflect the true financial times we live in. The following changes will be made in the card...

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Funny story: European Central Bank Restores Euro Confidence in 10 Trillion Recapitalization with Hasbro

European Central Bank Restores Euro Confidence in 10 Trillion Recapitalization with Hasbro

FRANKFURT, Germany - The European Central Bank announced at a joint press conference today with Hasbro (NASDAQ: HAS) a new partnership to restore credibility to the European money supply and ensure the future safety of the Eurozone. The plan is to...

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Funny story: Super Committee Has Spent Most of it's Time Playing Monopoly

Super Committee Has Spent Most of it's Time Playing Monopoly

Washington,D.C.-With the deadline drawing nigh there was one thing on the mind of Democrats on the so called "Super Committee": how to dig out of the financial hole they made for themselves playing Monopoly. Lead by Congressman Paul Ryan,(Reforme...

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Funny story: McDonald's goes buffet after man sues for portion control

McDonald's goes buffet after man sues for portion control

GEORGIA - McDonald's executives have been scurrying all around the United States to reconstruct their restaurants to fit a buffet style system. Even their website have changed to reflect the new look of their policies advertising 'as many burgers as...

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Funny story: Monopoly the X Factor Edition

Monopoly the X Factor Edition

Cowell and Monopoly team up to bring us a new game just in time for Christmas. In it you no longer pass 'Go' but rather pass the audition stage after 10 minutes of unceremoniously begging to Danni's large fake breasts. Land on the wrong square...

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Funny story: Bernanke Officially Makes Monopoly Money Legal Tender

Bernanke Officially Makes Monopoly Money Legal Tender

In a press conference at the steps of the Federal Reserve Bank, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke announced today that as of November 15th 2010 Monopoly Money will be accepted at par value with the US Dollar. Shortly after his announcement Monopoly Games...

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Funny story: Worlds longest Monopoly match ends

Worlds longest Monopoly match ends

The world's longest ever monopoly match came to an abrupt sour end yesterday after the unfortunate death of Mary J. Hunter, leaving behind her husband Tom Hunter. The Chicago couple began a simple game of monopoly on the 22nd of April 1979 and what followed is truly a gladiator battle of epic proportions. Pictured in 1980 1 year into their 31 year long battle Mary and Tom were given a monopoly...

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Funny story: America only has Monopoly money left

America only has Monopoly money left

With a debt of over THIRTEEN TRILLION DOLLARS President Obama has announced that America only has monopoly money left so plans to build a moon base have been scrapped. Some conspiracy theorists however have stated that it is impossible to go past...

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Funny story: Revision to Monoploy, Terroropoly sees huge sales.

Revision to Monoploy, Terroropoly sees huge sales.

A decision by the makers of Monoploy to give the seventy year old board game a revision to bring up to date has been a great success, says the company. The new game 'Terroropoly' is based on the old game but has been changed to appeal to modern b...

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Funny story: Artie Lange to Play Thimble in Monopoly Game Movie

Artie Lange to Play Thimble in Monopoly Game Movie

NEW YORK, NY - Comedian Artie Lange has signed on to play the popular Thimble piece in the movie version of the Monopoly game. "Thimble is a dark, complicated soul with immense history and backstory, but it's also very light and loving, and cares...

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Funny story: Obama Adopts Monopoly Money as National Currency

Obama Adopts Monopoly Money as National Currency

Washington, DC - Barack Obama made history yet again today, giving a speech on Last Call with Carson Daly where he explained how money from the board game Monopoly will become the new national standard. "Gone are the days when Americans on Baltic...

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