CHICAGO – (Satire News) – The Ta Da News Agency is reporting that the huge national corporation, Costco, which operates a chain of membership-only outlets will be giving it’s millions of customers an opportunity to purchase official sports cardboard…
A man who, for as long as he can remember, has been shy when in the company of people he doesn't know, has suddenly unearthed a rich seam of confidence, by walking around with a cardboard box on his head. The man, Eric Stibbles, from Maidstone in...
"The streets of Mexico are laced with the stench of corruption." One Homeless Mexican told reporters. "It's really hard being a real homeless Mexican. Because these guys are fakes! Busking for real money with their guitars, cleaning peoples ca...
A top scientist last night told government medical advisors that swine flu is still prevalent in the UK and that ordinary citizens are all at risk before adding 'but it's about as dangerous as cardboard.' 'Daily Mail' journalist Stanley Blackbott...
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