Screen Name: Chuck Barber
Chuck Barber has published 102 items on The Spoof.
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Latest Spoof News Story: Friday 14th October 2005
Spoofing since: Saturday 1st May 2004
Location: Antarctica
Profile: I grew up on a bass ranch in south Alabama. Though we owned 12 acres of lake, we were nevertheless quite poor. I remember my Pappy begging me to quit school when I turned 16 so I could work full time and purchase a paddle for our boat. Mama was always getting tired what with being pregnant all the time and whenever she gave birth it was at least 4 or 5 hours before she was back in the water pushing the boat around.
But I knew what I wanted to do, and I stuck it out and
made it all the way through school, and received a
full scholarship to Cal Tech. Of course, I couldn't
have my redneck folks around, Pappy, he almost never bathed except when he was in the lake, and he always smelled like bass, so I took the bus to Berkeley, and then took a cab to the airport and took the Cal Tech Welcome Bus in from there.
I still remember my graduation from Tech. I called my folks on the drug store telephone in Andalusia, and they all shared a milkshake while I told them how fine graduation had been.
Since, I've won a Nobel Prize in physics, and with the
winnings I got Pappy that paddle he wanted, and now
Mama, she can sit in the boat instead of walking
around in the water all day long. She likes it lots
Chuck Barber hasn't written anything in a while, so his/her news feed is seriously out of date!
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