Screen Name: Mr. Lizard
Mr. Lizard has published 53 items on The Spoof.
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Latest Spoof News Story: Tuesday 10th March 2009
Spoofing since: Saturday 21st February 2009
Location: Kokomo, IN
Profile: Mr. Lizard would never physically harm a fly, but he would obliterate it's self-esteem to the point of welcoming the terminus of it's short life. Raised to be a pacifist by agoraphobic gypsies in north-western Canada,M.L. drifted south on a wave of nostalgia that took him to the fictional town of Kokomo, IN (where men are men and rational thought is expendable) Here he now earns a modest living as a recreation-center bouncer and a domestic pet self-help guru.
Mr. Lizard loves Razzles and is a firm believer that they are indeed a candy.
Mr. Lizard hasn't written anything in a while, so his/her news feed is seriously out of date!
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