Tragic Rabbit

Screen Name: Tragic Rabbit

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Latest Spoof News Story: Saturday 17th March 2012

Spoofing since: Friday 25th January 2008

Location: San Andreas Faultline

Profile: Tragic Rabbit (Joey) is around again, alas, and writing some spoofs as well as laughing his arse off reading fellow contributors' stuff. I do love a good funny, esp if it's a poke at the govt, rich stupid people, celebs who I couldn't pick out of a lineup of other junkies or those weird correlations QM cracks me up with on a regular basis.

I'm looking for bits of wood to build my new retirement shack - yes, another (early, disability) retired teacher here at Der Spoof but one without any sort of regular teacher pension as I was foolish enough to do most of my teaching in the Riechstag of Texas which does not pay into or recognize Social Security pensions, does not even the US Federal Government from what I can gather. And in AMERICA you have to PAY lotsa bux for medical care. Sad country, this one, you Brits are well rid of us.

Glad to see the last of Texas though left many fa...bulous (can you still hear Billy Crystal's voice with that?) friends.

Facebook has hooked me up with hookers, friends from high school, friends from high school who are now hookers and other quasi-imaginary friends. Some locals are nice though others beat me up and most seem to do a lot of meth, drinking or both. I'm starting to recognize the signs.

The money problems are really getting me down - I worked hard teaching other peoples' kiddos to spell plus raised kids solo, and rescued lovely animals and yet I am not rich. This I ponder today. Ha. Send money via PayPal anytime you feel the urge.

A good life well lived is what all those World Religions I studied at Uni told me to strive for and yet here I be, out in godforsaken CA (yes, I hate it but the Desert is what is keeping me alive, that and my perfect Service Dog - a five pounder - & no I can't make that into metric, I'm American - teacup DeerHead Chihuahua named after Charlie Chaplin's wife Oona O'Neill).

She and the blasted Desert are apparently the price for quasi-health, dog is worth the gross national product but the Mojave can be sold back to Mexico anytime if you ask me. Lousy real estate. HOT right now and that's HOT as a good shag with a hottie who doesn't even ask you to pay extra because you're out of shape, balding and sarcastic.

You would NOT believe how much CA sucks, it won't be earthshaken into the see, the tide'll just suck it down under.

And that's another 'funny': I'm smack on top of the San Andreas Fault which other Yanks find terrifying, ask me how I can sleep. Like I care. I've got better nightmares, like someone forcing me to drive to, let alone move to, Los Angeles which is dangerously close to my scorpion and lizard laden locale. Anything but LA, Hell will come soon enough but, oh well, friends will surely be there.

My best to you all and glad to come back - I always meant to even if it meant typing from the AfterLife.

Best to you all, readers and friends.


*Systemic Lupus Erythmetosis - 25 years and still not dead!

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