Screen Name: Mussy

Mussy has published 14 items on The Spoof.

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Latest Spoof News Story: Tuesday 20th December 2011

Spoofing since: Sunday 31st December 2006

Location: Sheffield, England

Profile: I regularly smash my face against my office wall in absolute dejection of the mind numbing job I have in IT. In fact, I've become so used to doing this continually throughout the day, I'm beginning to enjoy it.
So the plan is......
1. Write some stuff for The Spoof - hope that somebody gives me a decent score one day
2. Get play produced for Edinburgh Fringe
3. Write & Direct a light hearted, yet informative, 50 minute piece on the history of the light bulb
4. Write book about a man who loses a leg in a car crash
5. Have aforementioned book snapped up by MGM and film produced by me
6. Interview on Letterman and sex with 'hooker' (good quality, more than $20)
7. Retire on fat pay cheque and never write again.

Or..... which wall shall I choose this time...?

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